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  • bin laden

    05. 01. 2011 19:51

usama bin laden is dead!
USA all the way!

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 14:22

" dont really see how the presidents have anything to do it. The only thing any of
them did was give the order, though if you're going to bash Bush, dont forget how
your favorite president decided to close down the prison from which they got the
information on his whereabouts and condemned the methods from which it was
obtained. Thank god for a democrat's promise.

I do believe this may spark a war with Pakistan (if obama has ANY balls) because of
bin laden's proximity to a large Pakistani Special Operations Base and the capital
city. For comparison, if someone in his stature was hiding in Triangle, VA, people
would think the US was financing a coverup because of the proximity to a USMC
base and the capital. Either Pakistani intelligence is a bunch of retards or they had
legit knowledge of his location and decided not to tell for FIVE years..."

I'm sorry, But I can't let this go without some comment:

Your first paragraph tries to minimize Obama's involvement, then defends Bush with
some off centered reference condoning torture as being successfull. Torture is
wholly and completely unacceptable under any condition. It is a violation of the
Geneva conventions, that does not distinguish between combatants and non-
combatants. As for where the info came from (Gitmo), makes no sense. The only
reason Gitmo still exists is because your party put the brakes on dismantling it and
prosecuting them.

Secondly, Obama was actively involved, taking a tremendous risk of both US
personnel and risking a possible military confrontation with Pakistan during the raid.
The entire operation was monitored in the White House by senior military and
cabinet officials. From strategy plan and launch of aircraft, to Pakistani avoidance
and rapid retreat. Take a look at BBC website and read up on current info.

I agree, Pakistani ISI is a major problem. They are duplicitous liars and cannot be
trusted. Pakistan needs to figure out real quick why the US didn't notify them prior
to the raid.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 14:21

Noooo! He's dead? A fellow human being is dead? And you dare to cheer?

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 14:19

seal team 6 baby, JSOC doing what its suppose to do, but sad to say this is just one
head off of a multible headed snake, I truly think his death has really done nothing
against terrorism, but a minor set back

but im for one glad the world is rid of him, way to go seal team 6

@ Kos AK74? you making up weapons :P

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 11:56

first thing i want to say is i am a proud american
but i wonder what that senator i that met him when he was fighting the russian is
thinking right now and one way they can prove its him is if they have his ak74 that
he had by his side always that for the ppl who think he is still alive

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 11:53

I'm just glad some have found a way to make political statements in this thread. Good
on you!

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 11:23

Bush`s connection to this is simple. The policies and infrastructure that lead to bin ladens death where put
in place by bush. Obama and the dems used bush's policies on gitmo and interrigations etc to demonize
republicans. However since taking office Obama has kept said policies.

All this plus the fact that the intell leading to bin laden was apparently found at the end of the Bush
presidency prevents Obama from being able to take credit and it removes a large spot from Bush's

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 10:30

I dont really see how the presidents have anything to do it. The only thing any of them
did was give the order, though if you're going to bash Bush, dont forget how your
favorite president decided to close down the prison from which they got the information
on his whereabouts and condemned the methods from which it was obtained. Thank
god for a democrat's promise.

I do believe this may spark a war with Pakistan (if obama has ANY balls) because of bin
laden's proximity to a large Pakistani Special Operations Base and the capital city. For
comparison, if someone in his stature was hiding in Triangle, VA, people would think the
US was financing a coverup because of the proximity to a USMC base and the capital.
Either Pakistani intelligence is a bunch of retards or they had legit knowledge of his
location and decided not to tell for FIVE years...

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 09:17

@emma: thats cause back in the days of Attila the Hun there were no live streams,
but Im sure more than a couple people cheered it.

Also, I dont know what this has to do with Bush, other than Obama did what he

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 09:11

A bullet to the head, as was claimed, seems to be too easy a death for someone like

Should have strapped him to a chair, put a bag over his head, and start sawing at
his throat with a knife, while streaming the video live all over the world. That would
have been richly deserved.

But nonetheless, it's good riddance to a man the world will not miss.
Never before have I seen someone's death being greeted with such jubilation

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 09:04

I was thinking and...

...South Park will probably make a episode about this and I bet they started production
planning yesterday.