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  • bin laden

    05. 01. 2011 19:51

usama bin laden is dead!
USA all the way!

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 18:05

@ devildog8

Sure, just like how George Bush killed TENS of THOUSANDS with his stupid middle east invasion

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 17:45

wow, yeah, you have to be very brilliant to think that with the killing of Bin Laden you
will get the peace you seek. No matter what you say, violence grows violence, and not peace.

No matter how much you want to close your eyes on this moment of joy for your country, you
can't deny that thousands of people in the middle east that are growing anger at you for
the killing of Bin Laden. And that hate will grow on their souls until a moment that
someone will take actions.

Yeah you will tell me that all is "under control" now on the middle east, and that theres no
individual that can make you harm. But don't underestimate any enemy for little they might
look. Remember that Al Qaeda was not a governmental organization non either received
support from a big country or powerful army, and see how much damage they where able to
inflict on your country (as a comparison on what an organization could have done, if for
example they would have received the support of like North Korea, Iran, Russia or China,
who knows - only as an example).

The point is that today you killed a single terrorist, and you think its time to joy.
Sorry, but the real fact is that today you planted the seed of hate on millions more to
come. Even me, no matter I have no relation with the middle east or Islam, every day the
politics of your country, England and Israel (like the killings of civilians on Palestine
- not to mention the intent of assassination of Gadaffis family), makes the anti
USA-England-Israel sentiment grow even more.

You may laugh, but you can't deny the fact that sentiment of hate against your countries
is growing day after day on too many people and countries. And some day you will face new
consequences for your acts as violence only generates more violence (the September 11th
would be only a single chapter on the whole book). As a single example, on my country a
lot of people have not forgotten when England detained our leader, General Pinochet. That
happened 12 years ago, and that sentiment of hate is still there and growing, who knows,
maybe the next time Prince Williams come to visit our country (with as few bodyguards as
last time - yeah we took attention to that), some guy may "balance things...".

Continue growing hate in the world and you will found that, that's exactly what you will
receive on return.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 17:23

Dam Not Only cheering light off some Fireworks
GTG Seal Team 6
343 never forget never forgive
Hunt them all as long as it take and as far as we need to go
Never stop

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps,
the end of the beginning.
Winston Churchill

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 16:37

"I am happy that there is one less person out there that wants to kill innocent people,
even if it increases the chances of four more years of a president that I am not
particularly fond of"

^ This :D

Top notch work killing this guy. I've heard many accounts of what SHOULD have been
done with Bin Laden's body. The one that got me was: Cremate him and sprinkle his
ashes on Ground Zero.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 16:27

buy that navy seal snipper a budweiser on me

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 15:56

You guys have to admit that the burial at sea Idea was absolutely brilliant.

And I don't think that Obama killed Osama for political reasons for the simple reason that
elections are too far off. The bump from this will be gone by then and he will be back to
the economy.

Edit:Sorry posting stray thoughts.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 15:48

You guys make me laugh :)

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 15:42

"re-election = Obama"
-That is a "glass half empty" attitude if I ever heard one. (just kidding)

It is hard to say how much of an impact Obama personally had on Bin Laden's death. I will
say that I am constantly impressed by Obama's skill as a politician. In his own words,
Obama placed particular emphasis on killing Bin Laden. Not stopping terrorism, but
killing Bin Laden. Obama knew that the Bin Laden death would provide the best, most
tangible evidence of success on the war on terror and he went for it.

I am happy that there is one less person out there that wants to kill innocent people,
even if it increases the chances of four more years of a president that I am not
particularly fond of.

For any of you that think Bin Laden is still alive, I think you are nuts. There is
nothing that would make Al-Queda happier than posting a video of Bin Laden still alive,
and we haven't seen one.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 15:40

phillip, are you forreal? or are you just messing with us? I find it hard to believe that
someone could be so ignorant to reality.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 15:34

eeerrrr binladin has been running not killing for 10 years