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Marine Nationale


  • Please list any greievence you have with your ships

    04. 09. 2010 08:21


Hello. I am currently compliling a list of the flaws with MN ships.

If you have encounted anything in your playtime with france that, seems wrong, then please
list it here in as much detail as possible.


13.4/45 cal Model 1912 - This gun has very wide dispersion issues, regardless of crew
level or gunnary ability of the crew.


France Sucks

So what, KM needs fixed first


I thank you in advance for all those whom particupate. I will take the most relievent
topics and ten make it into one large post on the suggestion forum. I will keep my own
isses otu to see if the community comes up with the same thing, at least for now.


Going through the Topics this is what I have so far.
At level (and even above level) Dispersion for BB2,3,4 guns is too great.
Ammo Bind issues on All Battleship some Cruisers
Lorraine and Pairs are painfully slow, Lyon Normandie sorta slow (any others?)
Fighters are Pratically inuseable, even for scouting.
Alsace lvl 105 gun set, not worth the lvl.


  • Re : Please list any greievence you have with your ships

    04. 26. 2010 06:45

-stras needs some fixing (such as another support slot)

-more ammo space

-more feul for MN fighters

  • Re : Please list any greievence you have with your ships

    04. 26. 2010 04:53

I just looped up on trainworld and the joffre(cv3/4) has same number of slots as
bearn(cv2) and launcher 2 more aircraft. then at arromanches(cv5) you get 2 slots more and
1 more plane launch. can anyone confirm this? i find that grinding to joffre to be stuck
with same sailor amount quite unsatisfactory.

  • Re : Please list any greievence you have with your ships

    04. 24. 2010 17:00

Please give french fighter at least the amount of fuel theat the Wildcats have to
allow them to be used for CAP. as is they run out of fuel just before you can get a
group of three ready to launch and anymore forget it. scouting is out of the question
and anyone who plays MN CV is blamed for not provicing either FC or scouting when
they cannot. Bomb torp yes best in game but fighters cannot even form up a deck
strike without running out of fuel. Really this is too low a load. Lets give them 2
mins. just for fun huh.

  • Re : Please list any greievence you have with your ships

    04. 22. 2010 18:03

I just got the Richelieu, i have never gotten a BB4 before, the range seems to be low. I
find myself having to run in and chase all but the low level BB's. This ship is neither
fast enough or small enough to sneak in on the other battle ships, the only saving grace
is the awesome AA setup allows me to shoot down planes w/ ease, but that should be the job
of a support ship and fighters. Because of the range i find myself spending more time in
AA mode than actually shooting at other BB's.

  • Re : Please list any greievence you have with your ships

    04. 20. 2010 15:10

It's NOT possible to run the Lyon without the front gun. Game gives a message about no BB
entering the room without 11" guns even when you still have the 3 rear turrets on.

I'd like to run this setup as plenty of other ships are able to run with front guns only.
The Lyon should be able to run with rear guns only.

  • Re : Please list any greievence you have with your ships

    04. 19. 2010 23:27

the lvl 47 8" duals have horrible accuracy and spread

  • Re : Please list any greievence you have with your ships

    04. 19. 2010 09:28

From what I remember, ONF was told the Alsace would be 104. So, 105 guns doesn't really
matter. However, 105 guns for a 103 ships seems quite mean. All the other BB5s get level
100 guns and the Alsace guns aren't some spectacularly overpowered gunset that needs to be

Agree with this GtDawg

i do not like the fact that every other BB5 get there Guns @ 100 or 103 so why make the
BB5 w8 till 105 ????? its way out there, but hey this is NF anything goes.

  • Re : Please list any greievence you have with your ships

    04. 19. 2010 08:44

There aircraft are horrably balanced for our servers and need to be changed for our

  • Re : Please list any greievence you have with your ships

    04. 18. 2010 16:39

What I felt during playing MN...

1. There is very few choice using naval gun.

2. Why mogador's R mount capacity is so high? It is impossible to understand that
Pluton has few capacity then Mogador, although Pluton is CL and Mogador is DD!

3. La Galissonniere and Tourville's R mount capacity should be extended.

4. Why sometimes MN Naval gun's damage becomes incredibly low? I experienced 6
Triple naval gun's 30 damage to FF/DD, 5 of 9 bullet.

  • Re : Please list any greievence you have with your ships

    04. 18. 2010 09:40

France should have atleast one CA capable of using the good 8" guns without ammo
constraints. If it cannot be Tourville, at least increase its T space to be decent AA escort.
Bretagne ofcourse should not ridicule other BB1 with BB2 guns.
Richelieu rear R slots, what a puzzle. Could I mount CA guns to not waste precious main
gun ammo on small ships? Or it can be alternative AA battery with the quad guns? Either
way it needs more space.
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