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  • Hedgehog Changes

    07. 28. 2010 13:49

- Nerf Premium HH damage; At the moment, their damage is similar to depth charges. It
needs to be reduced. Premium weapons are a bad idea anyway...

- Buff Normal HH damage. They hardly affect subs nowadays, especially with high level

- Create a minimum angle for Hedgehogs; Minimum of 10 degree's.

- Removal of surface ship damage by HH

- Reduce the credit cost of HH.

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 29. 2010 23:03

"Removal of surface ship damage by HH"

That's ridiculous!! Why would you expect anything that goes BOOM! to not cause
damage to a surface ship?

Think of it this way. They might sink your dd with a couple of PHH spreads, but:
1: You were too close if you allowed that to happen.
2: You didn't move after he hit you the first time...(you deserve to be hit again)
3: He just shot a chunk of change at you that doesn't cost you anything.

And I can't stress this enough. Do NOT remove surface ship damage from HH. It's a
mortar round that goes BOOM!!!!!! You are incredibly stupid if you don't think that
should hurt you. Surface to Air missiles aren't designed to shoot tanks but I would
bet my entire year's paycheck that it would still cause some damage if it were used
for that purpose anyway.

I know this is hard to understand, but everyone that plays this game is free to use
tactics. You should expect to take some serious damge if you get too close to
someone. When you bring your ff/dd/cl up close to someone and start pounding
away, don't cry when you get slammed with a full broadside followed by a facefull of
PHH. I know you'll cry anyway because there's no EASY setting in this game but be
aware that you have neither the right nor the reason to cry.

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 29. 2010 21:31

- Nerf Premium HH damage-Agree, at least a little. The disparity between PHH and unleaded
is way too big. I would also decrease SS torp damage some and probably increase their down

- Buff Normal HH damage. Agree. Why have them if they do virtually nothing?

- Create a minimum angle for Hedgehogs; Minimum of 10 degree's. Don't see a reason to do so.

- Removal of surface ship damage by HH-Absolutely agree.

-Make UnleadedHH cheaper-AGREE!!! As it stands right now, this is nothing but a scam. UHH
do little damage and if you actually fire any of them at all you lose credits for the
battle. The end result is players who try these (myself...) stop using them once they
figure it out. I thought that the point was to enable regular Joe's to have some ASW
ability-not to drive them out of the ASW business completely.

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 29. 2010 20:12

prem HH is not ballance at all. Look dude i hate the sub class with a passion. But at
the same time I am all for ballance. Prem HH besides uber damage also has a much
faster reload time.

Prem HH needs a nerf because I can see the point the SS players are making. But at
the same time the 2 recent buffs they got change my mide just as fast.

The want ballance. then SDNet should remove the the planesman buff and the
unhindered repair rate underwater first. If that happend and prem HH damage was
nerfed I wouold be happy.

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 29. 2010 18:57

It is balanced! It's not like only a select few players are allowed to buy HH's. Anyone
can buy HH's!!! I don't like being sunk by subs so I put Premium HH's on all of my BB's.
Now I don't worry subs as much as I use to. With lvl 115+ gunners running my HH
launchers I can reload quickly and sink me a sub. Yes it is balanced.

If They Nerf HH's then I will not buy them!

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 29. 2010 15:59

And from my perspective, its all about game balance.

$ shouldn't equal auto win.

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 29. 2010 15:30

I'm pretty happy with the premium HH's! If they didn't work so well I wouldn't buy them
and put them on my BB's and CV's. Why would they want to fix something that isn't broken?
They don't fix things that are broken! Besides, If they nerf'd the HH's then they
wouldn't make any money from them. At least I wouldn't buy them! It's all about the $

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 29. 2010 06:37


Game balance =/= Historical Accuracy

Game Balance > Historical Accuracy

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 29. 2010 05:19


all thoe I wouled rather see prem wepons REMOVED -.-

ohh and Prem HH's triger is to fast IMO, it needs an incrise of 0.5s.


  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 29. 2010 02:07

the damage on hh when hit on a ship should be boosted... it hits 300 for a exploding charge on the
boat on impact... thats very unrealistic... i used it for fun on a dd for a while, and i got a broadside on
some other dd, and it didnt kill it, it had several hundred hp left... so i had to use the depth charges
to kill it-.-(anti sub boat)

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 29. 2010 00:43

"Furthermore, a cluster of HH (normal or PHH) on a high-leveled sub still makes it
sink. DC's win if you want a clusterstrike against subs and some surface vessels due
to its large splash. "
LOL just the other day i was goofing off in my emden with 8 HH launchers, I can shot 6 per
side right. (yay math) 6x5=30 right? Well i landed all 30 right square on top of an IJN
SS4 and guess what, he took a whopping 1k damage, but yet i had 17k attack? But i can hit
an SS1 with 2 launchers and that is OVERKILL! There is balance somewhere in this world,
and SS patch made SS even better so now ASW is hard anyway, If i remember hearing
correctly, I watched a TV show on the military that said "A sub has never been discovered
to beable to survive a full Hedgehog impact." hmm? really? i know many accounts of this!!
In real life HH was fired at angles above 45 anway, make them earn there SS kill as well.
No HH launcher was ever able to fire straight down, considering there propelled into the air.
Angles should be 45-85.
Surface ship damage will almost be eliminated by these angles because HH will be floating
in the air for some time before they land. Therefore making them have to earn there hits.
Prem HH needs to have same amount of damage to Ships as normal HH do, as in per 1 HH it
should be the same.
I lost all my prem HH because i loaded it on and had a bug with my ship so the gun was
there, but yet wasn't so i had to sell the guns and repurchase them.
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