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  • Hedgehog Changes

    07. 28. 2010 13:49

- Nerf Premium HH damage; At the moment, their damage is similar to depth charges. It
needs to be reduced. Premium weapons are a bad idea anyway...

- Buff Normal HH damage. They hardly affect subs nowadays, especially with high level

- Create a minimum angle for Hedgehogs; Minimum of 10 degree's.

- Removal of surface ship damage by HH

- Reduce the credit cost of HH.

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 28. 2010 23:45


  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 28. 2010 21:25

I've already talked about these big mortars that so many don't believe should hurt
them but I'll only quote one of my responses for now. Use the search funtion on this
topic to find what others have already said.

"the splash damage from a dc/hh can quite reasonably damage/sink low level ships,
even some cruisers. If a bb is already damaged badly enough, there would be no
reason not to expect severe damage from asw weapons. They were/are extremely
powerful, such that even if the explosion didn't damage a dd, it could be capsized
anyway. Explosions against the hull were also quite dangerous. Remember that
they are essentially 50gallon drums full of tnt hurled through the air by a mortar.

Now if you are a bb taking damage from submerged hh's, I can see reason to
complain. They would not have the force required to move the sheer amount of
mass in a bb. Even an entire spread of hh's submerged would barely rock a bb.

However, if you are a DD/CL driving over a spread or even just near one, watch out.
Just because they are designed for asw, doesn't mean that a huge flying bomb wont
damage your ship on impact or cause underwater damage to your unarmored hull.
Throw on some bulge to protect you from submerged hh's/dc's and you should be
fine. You would need quite a bit of belt to guard against hull impacts tho.

Like I said already, remember that someone just launched a 50gallon drum of tnt
out of a mortar and it's going to hit hard. Even if something like that weren't
explosive, it could still hurt. Consider yourself lucky that you aren't losing crew to it.
If it's reality you want, you should be capsized and losing half your crew in your thin-
skinned dd.

Quit looking for the easy button and learn how to drive. They have a timer and they
are not accurate past point-blank range. If you can't out maneuver an hh spread,
you are either way too close, or your driving really sucks! "

Why don't you stop crying and start thinking. You have a head on your shoulders.
Rather than complain every time you get beat by a weapon, try learning how to use
it and go beat someone else with it. If you think they are so powerful, why don't
you pack a few and use them!

If you can't play this game like a big boy, why don't you come back when your voice
gets a little deeper...

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 28. 2010 20:36

It's not practical on most larger ships because many nations don't have access to a second
set of normal Gunners. IJN has DP, KM has AA, MN has AA. UK and US have normal gunners
unless UK wants the pompoms. That leaves basically the US with the only viable BB-tier HH
use, because they normally get two sets of gunners.

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 28. 2010 20:25

I thought HH was primarily based for the larger ships with higher gunners? It is
impractical for a BB to carry DC as it is practical for a DD to do so. The splash of DC
can cripple the unwary sub and its hunter. This can be read in LK's ASW guide for
the USN.

Furthermore, a cluster of HH (normal or PHH) on a high-leveled sub still makes it
sink. DC's win if you want a clusterstrike against subs and some surface vessels due
to its large splash.

Credit cost seems feasible to be adjusted, otherwise no can do. HH was, and is, a 7"
mortar round. The damage against surface ships had been reduced somewhat by


  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 28. 2010 17:29

I like this idea, although id say reduce normal hh costs by A LOT. Not by some minor 25%.
It should be a weapon that newbies can afford to play with.

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 28. 2010 16:11

Actually, all the needs changing regarding Planesman ability is:

A cap, similar to accuracy, which increases for each level. It should be capped at a 50%
decrease in base air reload time.

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 28. 2010 14:50

Sorry but not recc'ed Bullet one is my main reasion

-remove the 50% increse to planesman

-do not nerf damge of Prem HH untill that happens.

- Do fix splash effect on DC's on an SS it a tad to far out.

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 28. 2010 14:32

Agreed. Post updated.

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 28. 2010 14:22

something needs to be done about them damaging surface ships for sure as i saw a
cl kill a cv with hedgehogs

  • Re : Hedgehog Changes

    07. 28. 2010 14:16

How about not giving them away during events :) Add mines to that as well, I don't have
enough time to go around hitting all of them ;)
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