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  • Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    12. 29. 2005 20:02

Customizable Ships (colors, visual sets) - Won't happen
Mix of Auto/Manual FCS (click to turn guidelines, keys for angles) - Won't happen
Random Torpedo Movement/Duds - Won't happen
Harbor Assault (aka Island Defense/Attack) - In the works, expected in ~2 month's time.
OpConvoy Fix - In the works, no ETA
Kamikaze Planes - Won't happen
Submarine/U-boats - Being worked on.

These are the ones I got definite answers on, for the rest:

General Rule: No new features at this point, bug fixing first!

Edit by babs:
Damagable sub-systems - teamNF anounced earlier this year that they liked it but
that it
was too hard given the architecture to implement.

Edit by TimmyC:
Made change to "Submarine/U-boats".

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    05. 13. 2009 10:39

They should make helicopters. For destroyers only, and Preimum or Gold Members

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    04. 29. 2009 15:43

why no costum ships?

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    04. 12. 2009 04:09

I want my IJN kamikaze!!!

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    01. 20. 2009 01:11

team NF u should close this post and open new one more current to the yr09 not from 05

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    01. 19. 2009 14:28

good idea

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    01. 04. 2009 10:47

man you gys and you kamakasi plans dont think it wot mak mutch of a difrens the
plans youst for kamkasy wer zeros th had no amuer but ther wer fast the likly hood
of hitting st thst timr wer not good as the pilots most of the tim wer ded befor thi hit
the ship

the mix of auto and manuel aming is good wot lik to haw that lik to level 20 of you
brige operator

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    12. 31. 2008 12:28

Kamikaze Planes - IN THE GAME!

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    11. 29. 2008 11:16

a mix of auto and manual, but, the other wayaround (keys to move guidelines, click
for angles)

it would definatly help people learn manual whilst still making general firing possible,
maybe a separate FCS for it? with a accuracy penalty?

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    11. 18. 2008 03:56

Maybe in the next BB patch the ammount of Armor for UK ships could be more fair.
With an IOWA I have no chance against L1.

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    11. 08. 2008 20:05

range of premium ship are so limited. Is there a plan on adding more premium ship. It will be cool if we can choose from
two bb in one nation instead of being stuck with 1 premium ship at a specific class for a nation. Think of two buyable bb
class for UK, US, KM, and ijn. that will be nice.
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