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  • L2: the best bb5?

    07. 07. 2010 15:46

is this true? how would L2 compare to other nations in terms of speed? how about
damage? manueverability?! AA?

please shed some light on this one!

  • Re : L2: the best bb5?

    07. 09. 2010 08:52

L2 isn't necessarily the *best* BB5, it's simply the easiest to drive and do lots of
attack in, by far.


  • Re : L2: the best bb5?

    07. 09. 2010 08:18

SY is only origonal bb5 i dont have, and i want one, but from my personal expierience the
L2 is the most "well rounded" bb5. I dont use armor, but because of UK's amazing support
crew*and extra slot* it is the only bb5 *excluding my montana which i run 5 n 4* that can
take massive amounts of dammage and shrug it off * obviously not in all instances but any
one who has drive on will know what i meen, its a beast*

anyways, i have to agreee about 45 degree guns, dont think of them as a disadvantage
because if you have half a brain you can range most ships in the game by leading them,
hell in my monty i regularly range L2's and tbh H44's are just uber food for monty, lol i
have the hardest time against competent SY players because they are using same tactics
with more range =.=

  • Re : L2: the best bb5?

    07. 09. 2010 05:17


1st I'm not attacking you, just so we get that clear :D that case, I have to say the 2 SY's where nabs :/

on Bismarck, I suggest looking at blazer, hyz or valky in ther SY's to see how SY can
powne an entier side...


  • Re : L2: the best bb5?

    07. 09. 2010 04:54

"to all who say SY is the best bb5, explain why I survived alone with 2 cvs in my brand new
h39 (3rd game with it) against 2 SY + 1 dunkerque and 2 cvs too, during 5 minutes, till
the time is over, doing 230k on them, taking 70k."

shared xp.

Nobody said SY was easy to play we just pointed out its the best BB5 overall :)

Infact its rather hard to master, but once you have mastered it its very hard to stop.

  • Re : L2: the best bb5?

    07. 09. 2010 04:11

@ mega : no they were not blind, I had fts over my head.
"lead shot" as you call it, is useless against a competent player, who will immediatly
stop his rush and dodge.

@ elliot : any skilled player won't rush a SY and let him use his range advantage, it will
usually be a long long fight with a lot of dodging from both side, and will usually end
when 1 of the oponent is blind more than 15secs, or get rushed by 3 other BBs.

At equal skill and scouted, a 1v1 in a bb5 will end pat.

  • Re : L2: the best bb5?

    07. 08. 2010 19:18

meuhbat wrote, "SY is not the best BB5, and will never be because of its 45deg

This is wrong since you've never ran into a good SY driver. Some people say I'm a
good SY driver, but I just consider myself descent to the overall NF world. If
someone grows up through NF having their first BB line IJN, their probably be a good
BB driver in all ships bacause of hangtime and rice paper ship.

I've two shotted a lot of L2s in my day of hardcore grinding, when they couldn't land
a scratch on me. Almost one shotted a few too, but really SY is not at a
disadvantage with 45 degree guns, it's more like an advantage since the shells hit
so hard, the damage goes right through the armor, you don't have to use AP as
much. The other advantage to it, it gives you boatloads more range when you are

SY is very balanced and if AA is equiped on it properly, L2 should stand a chance in
GB or 1v1, with same crew, and player skills.

  • Re : L2: the best bb5?

    07. 08. 2010 15:30

You can't really say that L2 is the Best BB5. It all depends on skill and scenario. Like
they said Super Yamato is Defensive and L2 is Offensive. Don't know about Montana
and H44 but you can't really say 1 BB5 Is better than another. And Megadone, you
should really keep your spelling correct.
There is no BB5 Best overall even though I think Super Yamato beats all it truly
depends on pure skill and scenario.
Skilled Player always > Not as skilled or Newbie unless luck brings them a win.

  • Re : L2: the best bb5?

    07. 08. 2010 13:40

meuhbat wrote:

*L2 is imo the best all round BB5, capable in every situation, never disavantaged.*

so geting DBed and TBed to death or rather more allways Fighter Camped is not a

as for you beating 2 SY's...

let me get all info correct, the 2 SY's where blind?

as for hang time...I suggest playing a FPS or something and learn to *LEAD
SHOOT* can do same in NF....just as you do it when you run and somebody
fallows hit him by shooting infront of him, not at him...

you can do thet all the time...anticipate opponets moves and shoot.

but yeah as you said it...everybody has it's best....for me it's SY in GB
enviroment....once i get bored enuf I'll lvl one on Iowa w00t :).


  • Re : L2: the best bb5?

    07. 08. 2010 12:07

I just typed a huge message about it and its lost due to a fail bug when clicking "post",
I'm so angry, I can't type it again, I'll type a shorter one -.-

SY is not the best BB5, and will never be because of its 45deg guns.

Shorter hang-time = higher probability to hit. The hang-time give you a range advantage
when running, but it is just too high with 45deg guns, and no competent player will keep
rushing you, negating your "advantage". And you cannot rush efficiently.
Every BB is best when using speed and range, play it defensive-aggressive like I like to
define it, even range lacking ships will pwn with this tactic.

to all who say SY is the best bb5, explain why I survived alone with 2 cvs in my brand new
h39 (3rd game with it) against 2 SY + 1 dunkerque and 2 cvs too, during 5 minutes, till
the time is over, doing 230k on them, taking 70k.
1 single L2 could just push during blind time and out-damage me so hard with its 6 front
barrels. the SY couldn't hit me, always a few mm missing due to 45deg guns.

The L2 has usable advantages against an equal skilled player, the SY not really, just hope
a bad mistake, a lag, a failed rush.

Thats why I went KM after selling my L2 crew and getting a CV crew instead, shorter
hangtime, better range (massive advantage till BB5), longer overheat, just what I needed
for my playstyle.

L2 is imo the best all round BB5, capable in every situation, never disavantaged. But the
other BB5 have the opportunity to exploit their own advantages, SY has some, H44 has some
too, like every single BB5. find your nation.

  • Re : L2: the best bb5?

    07. 08. 2010 09:39

Who says a SY cant kill a team full of shared xp retards, of cause it can. And getting
scouted by a cv is no problem for the SY as long as the SYs cv does the same.

Super yammi does have some problem in the lower levels because the spread is not good
enough. I dont know how at level spread is when i got my L2 it was normal to have gunners
way over the ships hull level ;)

And the MN BB5 is not the second best like someone here said, i would say its the worst,
but then it personal preference to a certain degree i guess.

Is L2 the best BB5? In GB its second best behind Monty, GB is only about stopping power,
and monty has plenty of that.

In BB games its medicore (with Monty being the worst).

the only thing that makes L2 so strong is armour, or better to say the inabilty of the
shared xp retards to handle armour. Every armoured ship is strong, because nobody knows
how to fight em any more.

Take an AWed L2 into a BB room, and you will see that armour is more a disadvantage if
your up vs ppl that know how to handle it. But in GB it makes you god, in the same way as
using common sense.
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