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  • [Commentary] Soviet BB6 Gameplay

    04. 05. 2011 14:15


Here today we have a commentary with gameplay of the Soviet BB6 "Project 24". Please leave
your feedback, thanks!

  • Re : [Commentary] Soviet BB6 Gameplay

    04. 07. 2011 17:01

Ok, so if it goes 35 knots still, it needs more DP for a brick wall effect. 45 degrees
with Nebraska range + Amagi damage should make it into a decent defender.

I still think with 35 knots it will be vulnerable to any bb5/6 (apart from H44) that
successfully gets in attacking range. It will be purely a Harbour Assault BB6 to
complement the standard BB6 lineup.

Whoever said that it should have more than Kaiser range - that would be totally OP. :)

  • Re : [Commentary] Soviet BB6 Gameplay

    04. 07. 2011 11:43

Nice, could you do commentary on other bb6s?

  • Re : [Commentary] Soviet BB6 Gameplay

    04. 07. 2011 11:33

That's unfair Splid,

Both Outcast and Hyz are excellent players and are not the type to campaign for a buff to
their ships just so they can have the best, in fact Hyz has all of the BB6s so is in a
decent position to be a reasonable judge on the matter.

You have your views, Hyz has his and it looks like an agreement will never be reached
between the two of you which is fine, but your posts are bordering on personal insults
which helps to achieve nothing.

  • Re : [Commentary] Soviet BB6 Gameplay

    04. 07. 2011 09:49

"Splid and Han are not understanding each other at all. The P24 at it's current state is
underpowered. "

Agreed, but speed is 100% not the answer. Otherwise why don't you just give SN the Nebby
as their BB6 and have an end with it? That is what you want right Hyz, an easy to play,
dubiously overpowered BB6 to make your life worthwhile?

  • Re : [Commentary] Soviet BB6 Gameplay

    04. 07. 2011 09:40

Splid and Han are not understanding each other at all. The P24 at it's current state is

  • Re : [Commentary] Soviet BB6 Gameplay

    04. 07. 2011 07:25

*long hangtime is a big disadvantage period.

this poor bb6 needs more range and more damage. *

lol. . . So more range than the nebby and more damage than what? the amagi?


  • Re : [Commentary] Soviet BB6 Gameplay

    04. 07. 2011 07:05

Who said give the Soviet BB6 more range than KM? *facepalm*

I watched the video. It needs a buff. But not in speed. Otherwise it will be a clone of other

I don't believe it was intended to have Kaiser damage, but remember, the BB6 had BB5
range a week before the patch. So don't assume it was meant to be released like this.

Anyways, I enjoyed watching the video. I may well make some of my own when I get back
from Holiday. I look forward to seeing more.

  • Re : [Commentary] Soviet BB6 Gameplay

    04. 07. 2011 07:03

long hangtime is a big disadvantage period.

this poor bb6 needs more range and more damage.

  • Re : [Commentary] Soviet BB6 Gameplay

    04. 07. 2011 06:44

45 degree guns are not just good for armor penetration, you ever fought a running
monty or SY? Really annoying to move in on, why? Cause the hangtime actually
works in their favor in those situations.

If you give the P24 more range than Kaiser, regardless of its speed or turning force,
then its already too powerful, since it can have the ability to fire 2 salvos before
being hit.

  • Re : [Commentary] Soviet BB6 Gameplay

    04. 07. 2011 06:34

This ship to way too fat. As a result, when QV is at its max angle, QV can land 2-3
shells on it... think about it, it means the range of this ship in reality is only about
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