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  • US T4 fighter balancing

    08. 27. 2010 22:06

SDE needs to revamp the T4 fighters.

The T4 US fighters rapes all, you can't micro manage, when your fighters seem like
they go up against a wall of flak when you first encounter enemy fighters.

When 11 IJN T4s go up against 4 US tier 4s, the US ones should be dead. Instead
all the IJN ones die and all US fighters live.

Balance the US tier 4 fighters, doesn't SDE realize their GODLY!

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    10. 22. 2010 22:19

US is way too powerful......BALANCE THIS!!!

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    10. 19. 2010 13:31

yeah i agree with this... Unless you have elete fighters, your T3s will drop like flies...

Example is, My US 11/11 FP thats Lvl 96ish, cant do crap, and dont last longer than
like 10 seconds against T4's.. and thats a whole squad of fighters..

i recc this

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    10. 14. 2010 08:40

Disagree. My lvl 83 us fighters take out US and other nation t4's all the time. I would
say that I lose the same amount of fighters to each nation, except uk which just sucks.

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    10. 14. 2010 04:47

yeahh, Agread. nerf the US FP. KM nation totally wrecked. BAD BB and now BAD

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    10. 14. 2010 01:00

They are flying battleships....the only thing that can actually kill them effectively is
player controlled AA. How is it right when like 9 UK T4s get their asses kicked by 4
US T4s. Redo them!

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    10. 12. 2010 07:21

yanks best pilots ???? wtf??????????

YANKS "ace" pilots
Major Richard I. Bong - 40 kills
Major Thomas B. McGuire, Jr - 38 kills
Cdr. David McCampbell - 34 kills.

German ACE Pilots.

Erich Hartmann - 351 kills
Gerhard Barkhorn - 301 kills
Guther Rall - 275 kills
and remember the best pilot in the History Hans Joachim Marseille 158 kills.

IJN aces .
Hiroyoshi Nishizawa - 150 kills
Tetsuzo Iwamoto - 202 "claimed"
Shoichi Sugita - 70 kills
Saburo sakai - 64 kills aprox

Russia Aces .
Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub - 64 kills
Alexandre Ivanovich Pokryshkin - 59 kills
Nikolai Dimitrievich Gulayev - 57 kills

French aces .
Pierre Henri Closterman - 33 kills
Marcel Albert - 23 kills
Pierre Le Gloan - 22 kills

UK aces.

James Edgar Johnson - 38 kills
Brendan Eamon Fitzpatrick Finucane - 32 kills
William Vale - 31 kills

Italy aces .
Adriano Visconti - 26 kills
Franco Lucchini - 26 kills
Teresio Martinoli - 23 kills

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    10. 12. 2010 04:29


  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    10. 02. 2010 02:48

ye and i agree to

the game shuld have old update about ft = it shuld be more correct and not make
us to the bedst nation in every thing ??? before the bb6 update
us have the bedst bb5 and i think all now that have try us bb5 and after try the
other nation off bb5

and know when the new update is coming ?out cvs

this will make us to the bedst FT and no one have a chance in same lvl and base

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    10. 02. 2010 02:44

look guys the USN had the best fighter pilots and planes at the end of WWII, also, if
ur complaining about Ftring in an ijn CV, go play ur BB..

that crap km have the bedst ft in ww2 and this game having facs from the middle off
ww2 not when german lost the war?
and i am not from German.

but under ww2 the km have better machine on the ground.
and in The air. and there has fact been many documentar programs about that
who have the bedst military under the ww2 and who the win the worst battles.

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    09. 27. 2010 02:55

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