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  • US T4 fighter balancing

    08. 27. 2010 22:06

SDE needs to revamp the T4 fighters.

The T4 US fighters rapes all, you can't micro manage, when your fighters seem like
they go up against a wall of flak when you first encounter enemy fighters.

When 11 IJN T4s go up against 4 US tier 4s, the US ones should be dead. Instead
all the IJN ones die and all US fighters live.

Balance the US tier 4 fighters, doesn't SDE realize their GODLY!

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    09. 10. 2010 22:56

look deadguy69
balance should be between each ship class

not siferent ships

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    09. 10. 2010 20:26

If all nations are balanced based on their entire lines, then why not just remove
everything but their best line? That theory of yours works great in an RTS where one
player controls the entire tree. But where one player can only control 1 ship, and even
then only after months of grinding, having any one nation's CV/BB/SS be useless is
downright criminal.

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    09. 09. 2010 08:05

recced just boosted my ijn fps too bad:(

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    09. 09. 2010 07:00

"For example: KM may not have the best fighter as of the latest CV patch BUT their
Battleships do have the longest range in the game which if exploited and used correctly
and effectively like "Hit and always outrange enemies" strategy will lead to victory. Not
to mention they have also the BEST Engineer promotion in the game, the Chief Engineer and
they also have the Chief Gunner and also have the uber easy proxy torps and uber Rapid AA
guns on their sub. whew!

US has the best fighter stats (like what you guys said) but they do NOT have the best
bomber ability and bomb damage while their BB counterparts like the Montana may have the
firepower BUT does NOT have the range advantage like Super Yamato and Lion 2 has. And,
don't get me started with US Submarines ( Yeah you know it! ;-P ).

United Kingdom may not have the best CV etc. but they do have fair damage and extremely
tough armors or can armor much, not as much as other nations can (US can't armor much
though they have the least range. But, it's compensated by their firepower advantage.)

Japan may not have the best armor in the game but it is also compensated by their uber
torp damage and BB killer Submarines. They also have a fair firepower damage and range
unlike other nations. Their CVs and fighters are great but doesn't the UNTIL "Ace Fighter
Pilot" promotion ONLY rings a bell? Don't tell me about "late classing to get more
recruits = more experts and vets = more true ability" because in my opinion, that will be
fixed soon because it is not right to earn LESS recruits when you promote to a higher
class because it is opposite to the other sailor classes, so therefore, it is not right, in my
opinion, ofcourse.

You guys get my point?? EVERY NATION HAS ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES, you just
have to
learn how to manipulate those. "

You cannot balance CVs based on BB balance. Giving a nation an advantage in BB to give
them a disadvantage in CV is not the answer. Instead all nations should have advantages
and disadvantages in all their lines.

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    09. 09. 2010 02:35

cant believe that i recommend this post even if i am going to start my us cv line@@

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    09. 09. 2010 01:27

Don큧 want to get into this flamed discussion again about which fighter was the
best (you know my opinion) just wanted to clarify, there was naval mustangs
(version D and H) which started and landed on carriers. There was not any FW which
attempted to start or land on carriers.

NOV 15, 1944 1220hrs
Lt. Robert M. Elder, USN, made the first carrier landing of P-51 type fighter plane
#414017, followed by three landings and four takeoffs all successful.

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    09. 09. 2010 01:11

Sorry but I DON'T recommend this.

Balancing a game is not all about one section but the entire game. If you change 1 part,
you have to change the rest. I agree with someone who said earlier about LOOKING and
taking into consideration the overall STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES or ADVANTAGES and
DISADVANTAGES of all nations.

For example: KM may not have the best fighter as of the latest CV patch BUT their
Battleships do have the longest range in the game which if exploited and used correctly
and effectively like "Hit and always outrange enemies" strategy will lead to victory. Not
to mention they have also the BEST Engineer promotion in the game, the Chief Engineer and
they also have the Chief Gunner and also have the uber easy proxy torps and uber Rapid AA
guns on their sub. whew!

US has the best fighter stats (like what you guys said) but they do NOT have the best
bomber ability and bomb damage while their BB counterparts like the Montana may have the
firepower BUT does NOT have the range advantage like Super Yamato and Lion 2 has. And,
don't get me started with US Submarines ( Yeah you know it! ;-P ).

United Kingdom may not have the best CV etc. but they do have fair damage and extremely
tough armors or can armor much, not as much as other nations can (US can't armor much even
though they have the least range. But, it's compensated by their firepower advantage.)

Japan may not have the best armor in the game but it is also compensated by their uber
torp damage and BB killer Submarines. They also have a fair firepower damage and range
unlike other nations. Their CVs and fighters are great but doesn't the UNTIL "Ace Fighter
Pilot" promotion ONLY rings a bell? Don't tell me about "late classing to get more
recruits = more experts and vets = more true ability" because in my opinion, that will be
fixed soon because it is not right to earn LESS recruits when you promote to a higher
class because it is opposite to the other sailor classes, so therefore, it is not right, in my
opinion, ofcourse.

You guys get my point?? EVERY NATION HAS ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES, you just have to
learn how to manipulate those.

Going back to the topic, THERE ARE MANY POSSIBILITIES as to why your fighters got owned by
US t4s. Maybe the US CV you encountered has FULL EBVE fighters at level 120 etc. then he
is just using a CV5 with a shiny "120 medal" and you got like just 110 or have only +12s
or have less veterans/experts than the other player. Again, THERE ARE MANY POSSIBILITIES
why you got owned. YOU GUYS ONLY POINTED out one single reason, the reason that US t4 is
overpowered, NOT taking into account the other factors that affected it.

As for you guys who are saying that "WTH?! My 9 Tier 3 fighters got owned by 4 Tier 4
fighters?! OMG! NERF NERF!!" <------ Are you guys OUT OF YOUR MIND?? IT IS TIER FOUR! IT
IS DESIGNED and SUPPOSED TO OWN tiers below it because it is higher in level and it is
powerful than tier 3. That's why it is called "TIER 4".

Someone said something about " Now high leveled CVs are owning lower level CVs and giving
them no chance in winning,..... which are the future CVs. It is like the old guys can
breath freely while the children got choked " <------- Are you guys OK?? How would you
feel if you are a level 120 CV and you got owned by a CV1 or CV2 or CV3?? It is like a BB6
Nebraska got owned by a Guam or New Mexico or Colorado or South Dakota in a one on one match!

For Pete's sake, it is just COMMON SENSE!
Players with fancy BB5/BB6 or CV5/CV6 which are
OLD and EXPERIENCED players are SUPPOSED to OWN lower leveled and unexperienced players
because THEY HAVE EARNED that capability. Anyway I have made my point clear enough for you
guys to realize. If you have reach this part, Thank you for reading my post reply.

Have a good day! =)

EDIT: Ohh and by the way, US t4 only has a minor advantage in Speed and Fuel capacity compared
to KM t4, the rest are the same. Please check the t4 aircraft stats here in the website to
compare its differences. In my opinion, the differences in each nation's T4s are not big.

Peace! =)

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    09. 08. 2010 21:03

yea the mustangs were the shizz back in the day lol

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    09. 08. 2010 19:25

I see a fair share more IJN and RN (alot more than I ever did before) CV in
GB2 games. I wonder if they are seeing if its worth it or not or go for another
nation CV.

Its like pbb and pca ships you would think if they want to sell more of them
they would make them all as useful as another nations. I bet they sell far
more USN and KM than they do the others. After all you see alot of USN pca
and KM pca doing AA in GB2 not many RN floating turds, or IJN ones.

  • Re : US T4 fighter balancing

    09. 08. 2010 17:26

i agrea with post above this one except i tink u forgot made even moe cv players
stop playing specially ijn and uk
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