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  • Petition to remove bans from Rehor/Portmanteau/Network Fleet

    03. 17. 2011 19:58

Unban them.

  • Re : Petition to remove bans from Rehor/Portmanteau/Network Fleet

    03. 18. 2011 00:47

My heart goes out to the players whose time was wasted.... oh wait. Rehor wins again.

  • Re : Petition to remove bans from Rehor/Portmanteau/Network Fleet

    03. 18. 2011 00:23

"Anyone who breaks the rules, and continue to do so after warnings, TNF and SDE
have the right to carry out appropriate actions towards the related IDs and fleet.
(Direct disband, punishing responsible ID and fleet leaders)

Possible punishments for breaches of the rules above:
1. Official Warning on the NavyField Forums
2. Cancellation of the declaration
3. Credit and Points fine for the Fleet Leader
4. 3-7 days ban for Fleet Leader
5. De-leveling of the Fleets Radioman to level 50
6. Dismissal of the fleet.

I dont get it... Was Rehor warned? According to the rules there should be warnings.


"1. Basic Fleet requirements :
You must have at least 30 members to declare harbor assault, having less than
this means you will have no chance of winning and will most likely lead to wasting
the defending fleets time. At this time there is no fee on declarations if it becomes
needed at some stage we will introduce one but at this time the moderator team
and GM's prefer the HA's to be free."

There was clearly a chance of winning if he took the harbor. There were no defenders whos
time was wasted

"1. Declaring war with fake fleets.(Fleet member less than 30)
2. Does not attack the harbour after declaration.
3. When the HA starts, no members are sent to battles, or they only wait for the
time to pass and end the HA.
4. Repeatly declaring war without participating.
Anyone of the above means it was an aggressive declaration, so if defending fleet
encounters such situations, they can provide sufficient proof and apply for
cancellation of the HA for that week. The attacking fleet will be officially punished as
per the rules later."

Clearly this was not a fake declaration. I see a Network tag above the harbor.

Clearly this is just another personal vendetta being carried out by certain members of TNF
against players they do not like. I would very much like to not only see Rehor and his
accounts unbanned, compensation given to him for being falsely banned, and said member(s)
of TNF responsible for this unjust ban to be immediately removed from power. Without these
things taking place how can we expect that these unjust bans are not directed at any of us

  • Re : Petition to remove bans from Rehor/Portmanteau/Network Fleet

    03. 18. 2011 00:14

Except that you're wrong Douglas. Nice try though. It wasted no one else's time other than
his own time. The sheer fact that he beat other fleets out for it is why people are
whining, bitching, and moaning. Honestly, I think Rehor knew that someone would come along
and take it the following week, but banning him because certain fleets are asshurt that he
is better than they are and proved it by taking a harbor(defended or not)

Vick is clearly also asshurt about Rehor ever since the "Fresh Eyes" mistake that he
made... Again, Rehor was proven correct with the stupidity of the community and the public
testing accounts for Soviets.

TNF has proven again they are amazing at abusing power.

  • Re : Petition to remove bans from Rehor/Portmanteau/Network Fleet

    03. 17. 2011 23:50

I do not agree with unbanning him. Not right now anyway. I don't care if my side is
seen as unpopular. It was a waste of everyone's time that is in a fleet that was
capable of putting up any kind of fight. I wish TNF had been there to defend the
harbor, and put up a little bit of a compettion for trying to keep the harbor, because
they would have seen it was a one man fleet, and immediately taken action to keep
him from getting the harbor. If rehor wanted to be a one man fleet, so be it, but he
has to realize, he just can't compete against any other fleet, by himself... He
defeated the purpose of forming a fleet...

  • Re : Petition to remove bans from Rehor/Portmanteau/Network Fleet

    03. 17. 2011 23:30

Because people are claiming there are 30 people in network.



  • Re : Petition to remove bans from Rehor/Portmanteau/Network Fleet

    03. 17. 2011 22:57

30 ppl really?

  • Re : Petition to remove bans from Rehor/Portmanteau/Network Fleet

    03. 17. 2011 22:00

I'm gonna post a question that i sent to vick which he totally ignored.

Was there a defending fleet in this case? No there wasn't so how did he waste anyones time?

^that's what i'm wanting to know, he didn't waste your time cause TNF didn't
want to defend so how did he break a rule? IT says defending fleet in the guidelines does
it? And who says he didn't have 30 people tag up on the HA day?
That's another question you need to answer, he could have had them tag up for HA and leave
so there would be no way of you knowing.

  • Re : Petition to remove bans from Rehor/Portmanteau/Network Fleet

    03. 17. 2011 20:27

Wrong place for petitions, moved to OT, PM will be sent shortly.

  • Re : Petition to remove bans from Rehor/Portmanteau/Network Fleet

    03. 17. 2011 20:21

lol ibtl

  • Re : Petition to remove bans from Rehor/Portmanteau/Network Fleet

    03. 17. 2011 20:17

What happened?
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