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  • Splid's KM DD to BB Guide

    08. 21. 2008 13:41

Just thought I would post a tiny bit about myself so you know a bit about this random who
is writing all this junk :)

I am Splid and have played NF since mid-late Beta. My first nation was KM and I got all
the way up to H39 before getting any other nation's crews. I am a Jedi and also a member
of the Hall of Fame/Shame and I am attempting to take over all the stickies in the KM
forum (j/k).

7598 Words >.>

OK, Here is the Guide posted below. As always, criticism is welcome and I hope you enjoy
it. Tomorrow I will add pictures and some easier headings to see for all the ships. But
I am too tired to do that now....

Also, feel free to PM me any questions you may have. It helps to make me feel more loved,
and not so terribly alone :(

re-stickied by Talon.

  • Re : Splid's KM DD to BB Guide

    07. 02. 2009 11:24

Hey guys: seeing the new patch effects do u think that teh best set up for the h39
still is the 16' L? ty...

  • Re : Splid's KM DD to BB Guide

    07. 02. 2009 09:50


For the O-pro:

I can very much verify that the KM40, for the three large slots, combined with the lvl
55 4.1 is a great combination.

You get a whole lot of range, and stopping power, making the ship very able to
generate it's own "holes" in the scoutcover.

And the weight isn't really a problem.

My crew is lvl 73 bve overall


  • Re : Splid's KM DD to BB Guide

    06. 18. 2009 00:35

With the new BB3,4 patch,
I think it is the time to have a review and update of this useful guide :P

  • Re : Splid's KM DD to BB Guide

    06. 16. 2009 22:50

tnks for help!!!
keep good work...

  • Re : Splid's KM DD to BB Guide

    06. 12. 2009 22:41

with the h44 should i use the 110 guns or rather the 100's?

  • Re : Splid's KM DD to BB Guide

    05. 28. 2009 10:46

Well that was a worth while read, i am doing the KM grind to BB6 on 2 BO's lol i'm
truly nuts to want to do both O2 and BSM lines.

  • Re : Splid's KM DD to BB Guide

    05. 18. 2009 12:01

"But for real, do you reach the cap with +12 BVEs or with what? "

I can reach the H44s speed cap (which is the hardest KM ship to cap) with 2 +11s and a +12
with an average of 110 vets at lvl 120. Boosted of course.

  • Re : Splid's KM DD to BB Guide

    05. 18. 2009 11:49

"and 4 is better than 3."

hear hear

But for real, do you reach the cap with +12 BVEs or with what?

  • Re : Splid's KM DD to BB Guide

    05. 18. 2009 11:45

At lvl 120 you can hit the Speed Cap for all ships with 3 Engys but 4 is the recommended
number because you need to cap the H44 quickly and 4 is better than 3.

  • Re : Splid's KM DD to BB Guide

    05. 18. 2009 10:30

You don't need armor on KM ships...

Also you can hit the speed cap on the H44 with only 3 engineers but they need 150+ vets
give or take. I can't remember how many I had (vets) when I hit the cap but I only used 3
engineers. My biggest problem was I only had 2 repairers and I used a Restorer.

*runs away crying thinking about the restorer and sings if I could turn back time by Cher*
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