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  • patch 1.316

    04. 13. 2011 19:28

Patch 1.316

1. Punctuating with comma (,) is added to the number insert panel.
2. Overheat gauge has been added that players can now check their overheat
3. Value for soft defense at the ship information panel will be displayed at the correct
4. Players cannot edit the smoke bomb SPR file anymore. (Players cannot log in to
the server if the players change this sprite file.)
5. Random number input system has been added when player selects the sailor they
have rolled.
6. Ship direction cannot be changed in Great Battle, Great Battle 2, Blitzkrieg, Select
Mode and Night Battle.
7. Trade System
- 2nd Seaman, 1st Seaman, Chief Seaman, Medic can now be selected from the sailor
search category.
8. Fleets now need more than 30 fleet members to declare Harbor Assault.
9. Message for guns below 11" at Great Battle, Great Battle 2 and Night Battle has
been modified.


Added later:

Sailor line up function has been added. You can line up your sailors on waiting list
in following order:
- Nation : Sailors get organized by nation order.
- Class : Sailors get organized by Class order.
- Level : Sailors get organized by Level order.
- Exp : Sailors get organized by the amount of Exp left for the next level up.

  • Re : patch 1.316

    04. 17. 2011 06:39

I wrote a support ticket suggesting to seperate possibly dangerous animations and images
from huge sprite files and put them either into their own file or a major file for all
dangerous animations.
I hope to catch Yuno or something responsible that way as Yuno offered his help to the
modders a while back... but after that TeamBNF closed its gates so nothing else happened.

  • Re : patch 1.316

    04. 17. 2011 01:21

YeH tnf won't give a definitive answer on spiriting either Lj, they 'do not condone it', the usual company line from
years before. So it becomes client side mayhem folks, not expressly forbidden but surrenders support if they catch
you. If you decide to post screenies of bombers with giant red arrows over them or something...
So go ahead and HUD it up :)

  • Re : patch 1.316

    04. 16. 2011 14:40

#4: :(((( I was working on the effect.spr for my GFX pack... all restricted now...

Before you all yell at the possible abuse of the smoke bomb:
It could give you a small advantage when both you and your enemy are covered by the cloud
(and thus only obscured, not invisible)... you could have clear view while others would
have the semi transparent cloud in their view.
If you would delete the smoke bomb cloud, you could still not see an enemy that is beneath
it from far away... I see that this fix is useful and SDE finally needed to react to
modding and its dangers, but this way is bad... the effect.spr includes many battle
animations like smoke, explosion and torp splashes that could be altered just for the
beauty of effects... but now it is all restricted because of I think a dozen images... and
the effect.spr consists of several hundred images... I wish they would seperate the smoke
bomb into its own file...

  • Re : patch 1.316

    04. 16. 2011 13:46

yes a nuew pacht agin :)

  • Re : patch 1.316

    04. 16. 2011 00:13

"This has been common knowledge for a long long time now."

Yeah, I guess it wasn't apparent to me until now. I'm definitely not going to go nuts with
engies on another BB crew ever again.

  • Re : patch 1.316

    04. 15. 2011 23:19


I would have no problem with that but I don't think they would want to use mine.
It's not exactly SDE material I think. =)

  • Re : patch 1.316

    04. 15. 2011 18:21

"I was really hoping the mechanics for engines were more sophisticated. A 1:1 ratio of OH
usage and recharge is disappointing. "

This has been common knowledge for a long long time now.

  • Re : patch 1.316

    04. 15. 2011 17:18

I was really hoping the mechanics for engines were more sophisticated. A 1:1 ratio of OH
usage and recharge is disappointing.

  • Re : patch 1.316

    04. 15. 2011 17:18

Would you give your permission for SDE to use these to update the HUD?

  • Re : patch 1.316

    04. 15. 2011 15:27

here is mine (just finished updating the OH thingy):

It's pritty much the original SDE BattleHUD only little lighter in the degree and reload clocks part.
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