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    10. 25. 2005 20:45

Yes, that's right, they nerfed another ship. The Kuma-kai has been nerfed. The torp carrying capacity of Kuma-kai has been nerfed. Once again, no warning, just nerfed. So add another ship to the OBSOLETE list, along with the Oyodo.

Now that my news flash is over, on to my editorial.

Thank you Navy Field. I have played the jap line since day 1 on Vancouver. You still have not opened up the other DD to jap players. You nerf our ships without warning. You take all the work I have put into this game and thumb your nose at it. You nerf ships that are about the only recourse for jap players to use, but still have not done spit about the overpowered Z99. Had you made it known that you were going to nerf every jap ship over DD that I own except the Mogami (which I imagine is next on the chopping block) I never would have gone japanese.

I was planning on recommending your game to others, planning on PAYING for it after release. Guess what? Yes, that's right. you just screwed your way out of a prospective paying customer! Your customer service sucks! One month after my Red Cross donation and I still never got the credits. Yes, I talked to 3 mods about it, yes, I sent you email to [email protected]. Your customer relations needs massive work too. Your moderators that are worth a damn have no power to do anything about any situation, the other mods seem to want to flame people in the forums! As I said, I play on Vancouver, when you (TeamNF, and mods) brought your uber CVs with uber pilots in to the rooms, I KNEW my planes were goners, but I stayed to attept to provide some balance, some air-cover... IN A FRIKKIN OYODO! One mod even sent fighters and bombers unerringly straight for my ship at the beginning of the game.

I won't even begin to rehash the personal vendetta style 'justice' that you apply.

You have a lot of work to do before you can attempt to sieze any of the PAYING american/canadian market if you keep this up!

I may still play my level 20 brits or my level 20 germans, but my jap line is effectively dead. AND NO, YOU CAN'T HAVE MY STUFF!

In summary, 'Bravo' to you NF for chasing another would-be customer away.



    10. 26. 2005 15:47


Awesome news, seeing as I'm only 3 levels away from Kuma-kai...

Even cooler cause I can't buy a Sima until retail...

Oh? Fubu is next?

What reason do I have to PAY for this game again?


    10. 26. 2005 12:28


W00t W00t. im gonna party now. thank you tnf for actually doing some good in this game.


    10. 26. 2005 12:24

I've equipped my fubu with only guns and been booted for being a torp whore before....NO
GUNS DAMNIT!! After that my opinion of the human race as a whole dropped dramatically.


    10. 26. 2005 09:53

Couldnt agree with ya more panzer


    10. 26. 2005 09:46

If this is part of Team NFs startegy to communicate better with the community, then..
get a better PR adviser. This is no different than it has been all along, same old shit.


    10. 26. 2005 09:09


SO we can just look at ship names different sprites and chat all the time. However
chatting is out due to radioman errors. Some sprites we cant even get its out of stock.

YEA WHAT A GR8 game it would be at least warn us


    10. 26. 2005 08:11

I am sorry that happened to you, I am trying to prevent it from happening to us.

Nerfing the TW lines and Oyodo leaves level 30ish jap players with bulge armor as
their only national advantage. "Now, Mr. NDD-01, could you please drive under my
ship so I can use my bulge on you?"


    10. 26. 2005 08:00

hmm, try twing a somers for (god knows how many levels to bogue) then 2 levels
be4 u get it team nf screws u over and nerfs the only thing us ever had going for it
which was its cvs, then then u will find out how much it sucks to have nothing good
for ur nation going for u.


    10. 26. 2005 07:30

"American and German repairers/restorers are better?

How? I don't see any additional stat bonuses for either nation. Good job doing your

American: Repair: 8+5+4 = 17 Restore: 8+5+3 =16
German: Repair 8+4+3=15 Restore 8+5+3=16
Jap: Repair: 8+5+3=16 Restore:8+4=12


USA: 33
KM: 31
IJN: 28

Can you add and subtract? Or read?

You can write your apology here to everybody that wasted their time reading and
responding to your useless posts and then leave this thread. Thank you.


    10. 26. 2005 05:22

As far as your oyodo statement, I would hardly call my usual setup of 3 fighters and
6 DB's a full carrier. Let's look at that for a second. 26 bombs/6DB planes= 4.5
bombs per plane. So after 4 bomb runs, successful or not, your planes are done.
Your planes have the lowest durability in the game. On the newly renamed POW
server, you get mobbed by DD's wanting a bite of a CV (they don't give a flip that it's
just a CL remodel), so you need torps (x5 launchers, 10 torps each x 4 launchers)
with 40 torps that's why you can only load 26 bombs. On gradual, that means 8
launches (4 per side) to attempt to end that DD threat. Maybe the DD that broke
through the lines is crippled, so you decide to gun him, or perhaps an enemy scout is
nearby, but your fighters are elsewhere protecting a CL/CA. You turn your front
mount triple 6.1" guns and find out 1 of 2 things...

1. The DD is out of your firing arc, and will not leave it.
2. The 3x6.1 has been nerfed and will not fire AA rounds anymore.

Japs have it hard enough past the fubu level guys. We can't find rooms, get banned
for our ships (I've seen fubu's with 2x5.5" guns on all 3 mounts kicked from rooms
for being TW's), get impatient and go into CL/CA (no torp) rooms with little more
than paint for armor and get smeared, get pwned by a real CV, or get booted for
being an evil CV. Then to have our ships nerfed again??? Players do it enough by
themselves with room strictures. You know, some of us PLAY the jap line, not just as
a sideline for cash/leveling. What this nerfing has done is take away what little we
had in our favor.

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