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  • CV Shortage

    04. 10. 2011 22:52

Well, it's been an ongoing problem with NF. Most rooms fill to 20 BB's and everyone MUST
wait (with the invention of GBII) long periods of time for the room to start. This is a serious
turnoff to new players and any MMO needs player base growth to keep the game alive.

So the question is:

Why do you think the servers have low CV activity?

My observations,

-Monotonous fighter biased gameplay. BB's go blind and become aggravated at you.
-Shared XP resulting in weak rewards for being successful.
-AA ships. Cause and affect. AAW'ing is the only practical form of getting experts. With ships
like the Mandel, it's getting a little ridiculous. Moltke's and Pensacola's are bad enough.
-Low fuel on planes. I've noticed this hurts TB usage as it's difficult to regroup them after
the "low fuel" mark is hit.
-Lack of CV content. Especially when you compare it to BB content.
-Small diversity between cv nations.
-Shared CV6's between IJN/KM and US/UK
-No real advantage of owning a CV6 over a PCV. PCV in some ways is better since you can
use a support on the BO slot.


  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 13:43

K uhhh.... I'll have to try em sometime. Right after I find my flame suit. :D

BB requires timing and practiced aiming.
CV requires strategy and observation.
SS mostly requires luck and reaction time.

They do all require skill but subs are more passive.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 13:43

Hey Lj, after I dug my way out from under your ego, I had quite a good laugh at your
sweeping dismissal of SS play and players. To tell you the truth, I think every line
requires skill. To dismiss any line as requiring no skill is quite a statement.
About the person speaking , lol.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 13:40

Oh but T1s can. Durability and fuel is not the only advantage to T1.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 13:29

But a T1 can't properly fight a T4.

My idea is that,

A T4-D's could stand a chance against T4-L's but would have some other benefits.

"I think you forgot that this is SDE we're talking about :P"

Yeah, what ever happened to the original developers anyway? The old content had a crap load
more detail than it does now in newer patches.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 13:27

*Surely, this wouldn't take a lot of work to do. *

I think you forgot that this is SDE we're talking about :P

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 13:27

In a way we have that right now. T1s are more like scouts while T4s are more agressive
fighters. T2/3 are the more balanced option. Bombers are in a way the same BUT the
advantages of using T1s v T2s just arnt great enough to warrant stepping down unless you
are really concerned about planes pace.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 13:24

Then how about N/L/D versions of the planes similar to how BB guns are?

L's would have better firepower but longer load time and shorter fuel where as D's would be
more of the opposite. And the N's would be exactly as they are now. Surely, this wouldn't take
a lot of work to do.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 13:17

I see where you are going but I think the option to choose like we have now is far better.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 13:15

There was a thread in the suggestions somewhere about a plane tree so I won't take full credit
for the idea.

Basically you'll have a couple or a few different lines to chose from for aircraft. I don't think
fighters should be more powerful than they are now. Just with better diversity. Like "my
fighters can't kill yours easily in a 1v1 but they have more fuel and scout range." Something
like that would be wicked cool.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 13:04

I rather enjoy CV play, just not in GB2.

What do you mean by plane tree?
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