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  • CV Shortage

    04. 10. 2011 22:52

Well, it's been an ongoing problem with NF. Most rooms fill to 20 BB's and everyone MUST
wait (with the invention of GBII) long periods of time for the room to start. This is a serious
turnoff to new players and any MMO needs player base growth to keep the game alive.

So the question is:

Why do you think the servers have low CV activity?

My observations,

-Monotonous fighter biased gameplay. BB's go blind and become aggravated at you.
-Shared XP resulting in weak rewards for being successful.
-AA ships. Cause and affect. AAW'ing is the only practical form of getting experts. With ships
like the Mandel, it's getting a little ridiculous. Moltke's and Pensacola's are bad enough.
-Low fuel on planes. I've noticed this hurts TB usage as it's difficult to regroup them after
the "low fuel" mark is hit.
-Lack of CV content. Especially when you compare it to BB content.
-Small diversity between cv nations.
-Shared CV6's between IJN/KM and US/UK
-No real advantage of owning a CV6 over a PCV. PCV in some ways is better since you can
use a support on the BO slot.


  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 15:46

i like win so i really enjoy being a fw.. tht is not a problem for me. the problem is the
little group of players who like saying nub to the few cvs in the game even if they are
fw. if you are a fw cv and you are not scouting it mean only 1 thing. you have a
problem: T4 US or/and lot of aa ships in the other side. these noobs need a little
common sense.

if i need get more work micromanaging me planes, then you get more work shooting
aa ships. is it.


actually i avoid rooms where host is waiting 8 cvs.. why? because 8 cvs mean 8+ aa
ships and 10 subs. about getting experts, when im aa, i get +6 experts each room
with prem, this should be nerf.


micromanage is useless against some moltke, emden, mandel or reynaud. i said im
fw since cv3, tht mean i try scout since cv3 so i got some experience about
micromanage fts and is useless in tht cases. btw, is really hard to bbs hit an ecl or
pca? asking because i dont have an important bb line.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 15:33

Ewood, I believe he was referring to higher TIER ftrs.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 15:25

Higher level fighters beat lower lvl fighters every time??
Dude, gonna be arrogant and egotistical here, but don't use YOUR experience as a basis for truth. I've gone
up against cv6s with my lvl 104 uks and simply hammered them before...
Skill can be used quite effectively as a counter...

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 15:16

Problem with CV is simple.
They are a black and white win lose.
Higher level CV beats lower level cv Fighters every single time. They can put more up and
they are better.
This makes it very hard for two things:

One. Feeling of worth while. When i played cv3 after a while i felt it was pointless as in
2v2 or 3v3 when covering Top, bottom, or middle if i came up against a better cv on other
side covering respective area. I would lose the fighter fight. then my bb would lose
scouts and my bombers would not get through. This cause's that section of map to get rolled.
Makes you feel worthless.

Two: In above situation add another cv to your team and make it Two cv3 vs a cv5.
The two CV3 still stand no chance vs a CV5. Once again getting their section rolled.

BB are diffrent. Although a bb5-6 has significant advantages they still can lose to
smaller bb. Doubly so when two smaller bb rush one. Today myself in a Lyon and a QE took a
QV by rushing in and him missing twice on me.

CV need a radical change. All fighters should have the same stats.. As they lvl up their
flight time increases. giving a simple advantage. But not a decisive one.
This way smaller lvl cv can still defeat a cv6 fighter wing that has been semi depleted.
Or 2 smaller CV can work together to take on a higher level cv bigger wing.

With fighter being more automated and balanced. cv can spend more time bombing or torping.
Maybe they should a get a local CAP to so that you have 3 locals they can deploy in
addition to their fighters for anti bomber cover in a tight spot. but obv like locals now
dnt last long and cant go far.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 15:11

Yeah, it's one thing when you can cruise over and shoot ppl up. Then all you need
to do is manage air and reload and get your torp timing down.
But when you are up against a full roster of enemy subs, plus skilled ASW, its a
different story.
Seeing Infernalis in his friggin ASW moltke is a nightmare. Dogfighting another SS is
a skill. Avoiding and recognizing the ASW measures requires skill and timing. I mean,
I might as well sum up BB by saying all you need to do is run all your scouts into
enemy fire at default height, set guns to max range and drive up and down
spamming spacebar and flaming the CVs on your team. We both know that is false
as well, but is similar to most BB player's summary of SS play, in its simplicity and
basic inaccuracy.
I use my BB, but TBH, it's fairly boring, I fly my scouts, AA if i have it, HH if i have it,
maneuver on enemy BB and sink them, not very hard actually, especially in Battle
Rooms. I actually find 1v1 play more exciting and fun in my BB.
On the other hand.... leveling an SS, ESPECIALLY after lvl 90, is insanely frustrating
and difficult. Combine the xp nerf, the ever-pared-down crews, the fact a lvl 12 BO
with a skilled player can sink your ass in a heartbeat, <5min of air...... yeah its hell,
But back to the subject at hand.. I love playing my CV, even outclassed as I usually
am, but the constant whining and complaining by the other players makes it a drag.
It gets stressful and not very fun. Being physically beaten by the enemy team and
verbally by your own team isnt hella fun.... if it were different , I'm sure a ton of other
folks like me, who have a full crew, most boosted, good cv 1 or 2 , would break them
out and make the crossover to more valuable cv, and gain skill. Think about it guys....
we either nurture a new wave of CV players, or we will always have this issue.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 14:51

"Hey Lj, after I dug my way out from under your ego, I had quite a good laugh at your
sweeping dismissal of SS play and players. To tell you the truth, I think every line
requires skill. To dismiss any line as requiring no skill is quite a statement.
About the person speaking , lol. "

There is your problem. You tried to think. You thought wrong.

Mind you, what would you expect from a level 92 player from Cav that doesn't even have a
50% win ratio...

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 14:08

At least in GB1's you don't need any CV's to start. I put my SY grind on my other account on
pause because it's too tiring to join fresh GBII's and wait 5 to 9 minutes.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 14:04

Personally, I think we need to go back to Gb1 gameplay. Buff the Personal credits to
exp rates. Introduce T3 bombers at lvl 100. And I think we'd see many more cv players.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 14:03

I find it boring myself. But then again, there's not much fun about US submarines anyway.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 13:58

Sub gameplay is very one dimensional and terribly simple.
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