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  • New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 14:58

Word on the street is due to the recent 1 harbor rule that the owners of NY harbor may not
be online this weekend. Assuming that the defenders have bad turnout it would be first
come first serve as to who attacks/possibly takes the harbor. If a smaller fleet is
looking to experience HA i think this could be a good opportunity for them. I wouldn't
have posted this information but it seems no one is declaring on NY... Good luck to
whoever attacks!

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 31. 2011 06:11

Vets has the right to do whatever they want with their harbor...if they want to give it
away because they want another harbor or want to attack...let them. But just because the
US harbor wasn't attacked for one week, that doesn't mean any rules need to be changed
yet. There are a couple fleets that are big enough to attack and win harbors.

Red Sky (under penalty)
Maharlika (philipino fleet) (Not attacking anyone or under penalty...idk which)
Total Kaos (attacking UK)
Iron (attacking KM)

I don't want to antagonize anybody, but Red Sky had 57 players on their teamspeak during
the IJN HA against JRF; whether they were Kaiser or Nebraska players idk, and how many of
their people don't get on teamspeak idk. So don't blame turnout as why you lost. JRF
happened to play very well and had the defensive advantage.

For the people saying JRF will get rolled by vets if vets attacks us...I would like to
say, we will not get rolled; whether we win or lose it will be a good fight and as always
a fun HA.

And for the former JRF players who are bashing us...we don't troll the forums and bash
you, so the least you could do is leave us alone.


  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 31. 2011 00:49

you dont know if vets can own jrf
because the coin is flipped vets no longer delay they attack and we all know how
that goes.

sorry weapon.....
just so everyone knows, VETS know exactly how to attack so im not too sure how
you come about that statement ^^^

i see nothing regarding vets attacking ijn so JRF need not worry at this stage i
guess, if VETS wish to post that possibly NY harbour might be lightly defended then
thats up to them, it could also be ruse to lure a larger fleet for a great HA/HD

all in all people will do what they wish, say what they want and assume all they
want, me i say just go with the flow, life is too short to worry abouth things and
ENJOY the game


  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 23:09

"Ok just because you guys beat us (red sky) once doesnt mean u can beat the whole
server, i will say we lost soundly we couldnt handle 10+ subs per room, and we
only had 37 or less on!!"

I cannot stop laughing at this statement. If I remember correctly, Red Sky's attack
force was divided into 2 main forces, with about 30 members in 1 and AT LEAST 20
members in the other 1...Also, if you complain that you guys didn't have many
members on, then why did you declare the attack in the first place? Shouldn't you
hold a poll on your forum asking how many members will attend?

To the rest, I think most of the flaming come from those who have left JRF because of
some issues. That gives a biased view to the Nebraska server. VetS are strong and
IF they attack JRF, we will do our best to put up a good fight. No matter what the
result is, the importance is to have fun in HA right?

I hope none of this is viewed as bashing.


  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 22:13

What I find amusing is that nowhere in this thread is it mentioned that Vets plans on
taking Tokyo and Devildog is already getting weak knees over the possibility.

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 22:08

Jrf wants to own a harbor without having a real battle for it? I understand and support what
vets is trying to do. Until fleets are able to own more then one harbor, I see nothing wrong
with this.

P.S. It is realistic to think that Vets will roll any fleet on Kaiser with only 30 members.

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 22:02

My eyes, they burn.

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 20:27

anotherhour pleas dont go there pleas dont you are one to talk

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 20:23

i would like to see vets own ijn harbor once more as u guys have the right to fly that
flag and it will give jrf a fight snice they seems like they can beat anyone.

(sorry about spelling)

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 18:11

This issue with the NY server comes from the fact that there is practically no fleet
competition whatsoever, nobody is interested in maintaining the balance of power,
thats why you see only a couple of fleets able to get anywhere in HA. You should
see how many people from the deceased TC fleet have applied to Vets... I guess not
many are fond of a challenge.

NY was a 2 fleet server for a very long time, and it looks like its a 1 1/2 fleet server
now, cause none of the other fleets have the skilled members to put up a decent
fight. If you are offended by these FACTS, go try to improve in the game.

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 18:06

Ok just because you guys beat us (red sky) once doesnt mean u can beat the whole
server, i will say we lost soundly we couldnt handle 10+ subs per room, and we
only had 37 or less on!!
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