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  • New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 14:58

Word on the street is due to the recent 1 harbor rule that the owners of NY harbor may not
be online this weekend. Assuming that the defenders have bad turnout it would be first
come first serve as to who attacks/possibly takes the harbor. If a smaller fleet is
looking to experience HA i think this could be a good opportunity for them. I wouldn't
have posted this information but it seems no one is declaring on NY... Good luck to
whoever attacks!

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 17:53

If vets want to attack a harbor fine but kris you dont know if vets can own jrf
because the coin is flipped vets no longer delay they attack and we all know how
that goes. My say is if jrf can beat rs what says they can beat vets and their 25 avg
person ijn harbor force too?

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 17:50

@ Outcast tbh i wish tk went back after US i couldn't get to the defense since my net was
down for a few days. Idk how well or how close we were or if we lost the harbor too quickly
but it would be fun to attack US again instead of uk (or km our first choice)

ps grats on the win for the harbor and having the first sn bb6 in your fleet

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 10:39

So that puddle around Tokyo isn't the ocean...LOL.

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 09:41


  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 07:43


  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 07:36

Red Sky cant hold crap anyways. Open all 4 to let BS dominate.

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 06:56

Why not take off all harbor limitations? No one fleet is big enough to take all four
harbors. Atleast this way, we will have real HAs.

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 30. 2011 02:09

Wow dd arnt you just the rightious one? You asking people like V2 and angus to stay out of
it is rather comical. If they want to come and take tokyo then its up to them. I dont see
why you are posting here. Its just a notice for other fleets eg my fleet to be aware that
there could be a harbor up for grabs. If you could i know you would in a heartbeat.

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 23:37

Devildog i think the point is if the VetS fleet "let it play out" it will be no one
attacking them when they could just attack tokyo and own you guys. Or attack
another fleet tha may be easyier to defeat like my fleet, RMF.

at least with 2 harbor limit they were getting attacked on a pretty consistent basis
by someone but now they wont get attacked hardly ever which cuts them out of Ha
completely, thas why they are giving the harbor away i think. So they can have fun.
Oh and also your "HA's have been very active the past weeks" is because small fleet
likes TS and stuff took the harbor and the bigger fleet like RS hadnt so they needed
to take one, not because omg the 1 harbor limit is so great. Right now the power
structure of the fleets on Kaiser is what meses this up because unlike on Nebby
there arent alot of big fleet(or OMG megafleets to you) to fight for it, honestly on
Kaiser it is VetS above every fleet by quiet a bit, so much that no one will actually
attac them. then in comes i would say Imperium, TK, RS, and JRF. no other fleet on
the server can really attack someone and expect to win against these fleets,
especially not at this time. I mean you said it yourself how long was it since vets lost
one of their harbor before, why would any of the fleet attack them when they could
just declare on another fleet.

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 22:06

so now we are having like 5 smalls fleets rushing to declare at monday 00:00
a free harbor would have been a good surprise for some random fleet that eventually
declared on NY, why anounce it? lulz
its not funny that way xDDDD

Question: if a fleet with less that 30 members atacks NY, is gonna get banned? xD
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