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  • New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 14:58

Word on the street is due to the recent 1 harbor rule that the owners of NY harbor may not
be online this weekend. Assuming that the defenders have bad turnout it would be first
come first serve as to who attacks/possibly takes the harbor. If a smaller fleet is
looking to experience HA i think this could be a good opportunity for them. I wouldn't
have posted this information but it seems no one is declaring on NY... Good luck to
whoever attacks!

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 21:09

Just wondering how this could be ABing? if a fleet chooses not to defend their harbor and
attack another. If I remember correctly ABing is playing for both sides and telling the
other side where the enemy is or what they are doing?

Now for this, me not knowing who is in which fleet and holds which harbor since I don't
pay that much attention to the harbors, I see nothing wrong with if the clan that is
defending the harbor advising the harbor might be lightly defended and up for grabs. Or if
they want to take another harbor, but have to give up one before they take the other.
However it could also be a tactic to get someone to attack their harbor instead of it
going unchallenged for the week.

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 20:41

Then I will say it....careful. I see no issues with what is going on and from reading the initial
post, I did not get the impression that Vets was trying to boast in anyway. Many arguments
made in this thread are pointless and in my opinion unrelated.


  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 20:21

Agreed owning 1 harbor is kinda dumb, HA is way less competetive now, and the list
of competetive HA fleets is kinda off!!

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 20:11

"there are 190 views of this, and not one person in your favor of this"

How many are in your favor?

"now let it play out if this becomes a 4 fleet mexican stand off ill for sure support the
lifting of the rule, but lets give it a chance first"

Didn't they already try this a few months ago and then changed it back, why don't
they learn from their mistakes? why waste the time when people will just want it
turned over again?

"im just saying posting on the forums that no one will be there to defend, is very
close to ABing, saying that who ever shows will have a harbor oh yeah possibly what
ever that implys"

A fleet can choose not to defend a harbor. if a fleet chooses to attack a harbor and
they dont show up that could be seen as ABing.

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 19:19

ok angus stay out of it your vets, im just saying posting on the forums that no one
will be there to defend, is very close to ABing, saying that who ever shows will have
a harbor oh yeah possibly what ever that implys

and I havent broke any rules here angus, and havent fleet bashed or anything, so
dont be telling me careful because its your fleet im talking to

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 19:15


  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 19:13

not really sure why the post was made in the first place, if your just giving up your
harbor then just say so, why beat around the bush and bring up since the 1 harbor
rule, your ppl wont be on to defend

are we handing out harbors like candy now?

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 19:08

I'll respond officially so my fleetmates don't have to. Our intentions are not to flex
e-peens or whatever selfish motives people might think. It only comes down to one thing,
our fleet wants to attack harbors, not defend. It is much more entertaining to attack a
harbor then it is defending therefor our fleet decided as a whole that is what we would
do. This post wasn't intended to garner support of the server either, as i said earlier it
is only to inform that we may not have a good defense this weekend if a fleet was
interested in attacking and possibly owning a harbor. I ask that you respect our fleets
decision or if not please don't post trying to incite some sort of flamewar.


  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 19:04

" at least there will be a fight"

no it wouldnt

let me say this gents, and V2 i kindy ask that you stay out of it, seems the only fleet
that seems to have an issue here is Vets, since the only one posting here so far is

there are 190 views of this, and not one person in your favor of this, I dont see how
you have just taken US harbor Sat. that you want more already, just because no
one attacked you for harbor, remember fleet are still under penalty

and I think you guys need to let this play out and see what comes from it, I mean
seriously 3 days and you already getting ancy for another trophy, set your egos
aside and let the server have fun, HAs have been active thus far, one week of no
declare on your harboer isnt time to go on alert, and start these we want to be king
of the server threads, and we all know this is what it is

now let it play out if this becomes a 4 fleet mexican stand off ill for sure support the
lifting of the rule, but lets give it a chance first

  • Re : New York Harbor - Kaiser Server

    03. 29. 2011 19:01

This thread is not to argue the rules of the game or power of fleets. It is simply a
posted notice for the fleets of Kaiser. I'll ask my fleet not to post anymore in this
thread. Thanks.
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