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  • time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 12:00

dontcha think $DE? I think it's time to focus on NF3D and stop doing anything with
this game.. keep it up and running so us die hard fans can continue to play.. collect
money from us.. but stop doing any more nations.. and build a new navyfield. I think
we can all agree it's about time to flush this and start anew.

just saying.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 20. 2011 23:47

I'm in support of this.
I find NF unfair to new players unless they have a friend with alot of money.
There is no "middle class" in the game you either have a sh*t load of money or
practicaly none and only get it from buying elites and selling them.
Besides a new 3d-NF would be more attractive to people and more support.
The cow has grown old and it needs a calf to succeed it.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 17. 2011 19:22

If its cyborg horse racing with mutant jockies, I'm interested. Watch out for #6,
Satans Little Helper, it exhales fire and sweats battery acid. Its jockey
Felipe "Skullcrusher" Hidalgo has been known to eat small children that wander onto
the track.

Hmm, time to form my own game development studio.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 17. 2011 18:19

You just proved my point... I'm sorry if you can't understand it.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 17. 2011 18:09

"It was more stable in beta, that is obvious because of what has been said. This
game was made thinking about the technology of that time, it was made for the
computers and the OS of that time... that's why it was more stable.

Today, we have different computers, different components and different OS... but the
same game. This makes it less stable by nature."


Way to talk out your **** like you know what your talking about xD
Find a cork and stop all this **** talk!

My computer is just as old as this game is and ran just fine until this game went to
hell. And along the way, almost all the components have been changed out
(Processor/ Ram/ OS/ Video Card/ MB). Yet the only time there was ANY problems,
was when HS and more poorly wrote coding were added to the game.

*Edited for language - Ny*

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 17. 2011 14:24

"Obviously you do, otherwise you wouldn't have made this thread."

No.. the new game to me represents new code, built from the bottom up.. thats why
I say--if there is a game in the shadows--build that!.. because this game has become so
muddled with problems, that it is no longer viable. This has become my "im bored of
playing my other games" game.. I still love it.. but not like I used too..

I really dont care what version of game is played so long as it is stable--is that so hard
to ask?

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 17. 2011 10:24

*I dont care what is real or not.. *

Obviously you do, otherwise you wouldn't have made this thread. NF3D (or the sequel to the
current NF) is not in alpha or beta and the talk coming from them about it is just smoke
and mirrors to keep the playerbase happy that there 'could be' a sequel to this game.

Unless there is video evidence of a sequel and players from NFNA (even a limited number)
are allowed/invited to play the alpha/beta there is no point mentioning a sequel or
believing there will be one. The current version of NF gets them enough $$$ as it is, why
would they change it? The only time they would is when this version really dies.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 17. 2011 10:19

Despite the problems, I'm sticking to NF until at least mid to end 2012, so naturally I
would want the new content to keep coming.

By which time an online game about transforming robots is set to make its debut.
Am eagerly looking forward to that one, and it's probably the only game that will
make me stop playing NF.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 17. 2011 09:51

They are seriously putting money into a cyber horse racing game...........? ya...
because thats a niche that needs filled :/

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 21:12

scratch scratch scratch

***not a winner please play again***

i saw cyber-horse racing info on the sde site like 5 yrs ago :/ looked cool too ...ild
play it for sure

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 19:58

Other then my orignial post calling for the Resurrection of a New Steel Fleet back in
August of last year....

All of my requests for news and updates regarding the " New Version " as SDE has
decided to call it should be in Beta in Korea by now have been locked because....

This information has already bene provide in the Fleet Leader's Forum...

They will do what they want, when they want, how they want... end of story...
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