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  • time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 12:00

dontcha think $DE? I think it's time to focus on NF3D and stop doing anything with
this game.. keep it up and running so us die hard fans can continue to play.. collect
money from us.. but stop doing any more nations.. and build a new navyfield. I think
we can all agree it's about time to flush this and start anew.

just saying.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 13:58

Problem is the newer your computer gets the less compatible it gets with NF, They
are working on a more stable version of this NF and hopefully when it's released
SDE can transfer over to the new code.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 13:47

things change, adapt, before nature selects you for extinction.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 13:44

this game was more stable in beta than it is for me now.. and it isnt my computer.. I
have an effing beast, and have had prob 5 computers across my navyfield playing time..
Never had I had these problems as I do now..

beta.. only prob was the slow levling because of the super low xp.. I wasn't
wondering if I could connect and play or how many crashes i was going to have during
my play period.

Compared to now, beta was wwaaaayy more stable .. and that is sad..

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 13:42

maybe its time you scratch your head and see if your neurons begin to fire again?

just saying

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 13:38

This is probably THE WORST SUGGESTION THAT I'VE SEEN YET. Why is it the worst? I've seen
games that start over and guess what happens to all the $$$$ and time that you put into
it? Think they are going to give you some sort of special credit? No, you end up having
paid and spent your time for nothing. The smartest thing to do is expand where you have
already invested.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 13:16

Although SDE has had a lot of problems, i'm actually quite content with them for the time
being. And i have looked at the NF3D so far, and tbh i would perfer the 2d version over
the 3d, right now. So they have a lot of work to do in that part.

All in all, for right now, Keep nf2d=)

Just wish they could promote more for the game, and get more recruits to come in.. Maybe,
get a recruiting team to promote if they don't have one already? =p
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