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  • time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 12:00

dontcha think $DE? I think it's time to focus on NF3D and stop doing anything with
this game.. keep it up and running so us die hard fans can continue to play.. collect
money from us.. but stop doing any more nations.. and build a new navyfield. I think
we can all agree it's about time to flush this and start anew.

just saying.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 19:48

this isnt a cow :)

this is a game that we all like alot and we all have been on a very long time

to the new people joining the game its new for them and i hope they enjoy this
game half as much as i have , if they do then it was worth it

but to keep it real , sde should have had nf3d out by now or at least almost done or
at least show us exactly how far along they really are, not to much to ask

so exqactly what stage is nf3d in?

how far along is nf3d exactly?

another year , or 2 or 3 untill its finished?

are these questions going to far?

are these questions hurting anyone?

if these questions i have asked are beyond anyone at sde answering or if these
questions offend sde or tnf then im going to need therapy , lots of therapy, as should
others if these questions are deemed over the top

:) see ya

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 18:19

SDE's other assets: (Kiddie NF Version)

They are also developing Cyber Horse Racing (lol??) and other mini-games..

And a social game "Online People Entertainment Network Field"


  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 17:50

"You do realize. . . NF3D. . . isn't real. . . . right?"

I dont care what is real or not..

1. Graphics engine could use a huge overhaul
2. The code is broke somewhere---they need to find it and fix it.. not keep adding
craptastic code
3. Hackshield is without a doubt causing problems.. despite what $DE says, there
are problems.
4. Crashs gallore.
5. computer restarts to get the game to even run

this list goes on and on.. what isnt on this list is
1. Need new nations
2. Need new stuff on the payment store
3. need new ships..

Priority number 1 should be stability.. if the game is not stable, everything else
should stop.. you keep brining up cow scenarious and milking this or that.. are you
kidding me? This is a video game that runs on an economy of sorts.. we speak with
our wallets.. When revenue falls.. $DE knows something is going on (be it bugs,
trends, pricing, LAG, HACKSHIELD).. they should fix it..

I dont care if it is a new game or this old game.. whatever they do, they need to fix
it and do it soon before there is just one server.. than none. I'm not a hater fellas..
I love this game.. I'm just tired wondering if I'm going to be able to play on any given
day/time like ANY OTHER game out there. This is the most unstable game I've ever
played.. period.. and this game has been out for almost a decade at this point.

What about this game is fun right now? Was/is soviet really that great? how bout
MN? was it worth the wait? what would be better----more rooms and more
players? stable game play.

I think the problem here is most of you are kids and dont want to have to start over..
obviously used to shared xp games.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 17:35

"time to scratch this game"

What? No lucky 7's scratch off? Debate away.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 17:13

> Navy Field is basically SDE's revenue source

It's one of them. They have other games, but I think this is the only one with a presence
outside Korea.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 17:13

You do realize. . . NF3D. . . isn't real. . . . right?

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 16:58

I agree with masc. Why kill an adult cow that you can milk and raise a new born cow
which will take time to be profitable? Let's just keep the adult cow and raise a new

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 14:35

Navy Field is basically SDE's revenue source, and you are asking them to stop
developing it so they can focus on making a new game? Do you not see how
retarded that is?

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 14:27

It was more stable in beta, that is obvious because of what has been said. This game was
made thinking about the technology of that time, it was made for the computers and the OS
of that time... that's why it was more stable.

Today, we have different computers, different components and different OS... but the same
game. This makes it less stable by nature.

New content is important to keep the people motivated and interested in a game... every
game releases new content until its ready to release a new version. Right now, the devs
are working on a new code for NF that will be up to date with the new technologies
(Computer components and OS)... let's give that a chance before flushing everything.

Also NFU member has nothing to do with the people working for SDE. It's an indication for
fleet leaders in the forum.

  • Re : time to scratch this game

    03. 16. 2011 14:03

first of all.. mas.. calm down buddy.. no need for personal attacks.. I didnt know you
would get so butt hurt.. my apologies..

back on topic..

"stable version of this NF and hopefully when it's released SDE can transfer over to
the new code."

wouldn't you say a game should be stable before it is released? They have mucking
up the code for years.. there is a fundamental problem going on with navyfield and
you said it yourself--it wasn't designed for newer computers... thats fine.. but
instead of pushing out new nations.. why not fix the stability?

wouldn't you say it's more important for people to be able to play a game than to
have a bunch of cool toys many cant touch?

I have yet to hear any of you refute that this game was more stable in beta.. unless
you guys are just here running your mouth and haven't even been playing long

This game was more stable at beta than it is in it's current form..

edit--mas.. what is an NFU member? shouldn't you watch your mouth a little more
towards customers when you have that tag up? Looks really bad on your part..
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