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  • As a general rule

    03. 21. 2011 12:49


Everyone can feel bad about CVs getting so much blame and abuse but these three fine
examples brand everyone with the same brush.

The IJN and USN CVs sat at the spawn loading 8 local fighters or bombers on one pilot. The
UK PCV went to the north boarder to be gunned down last. None of them could be bothered
going south and none of them could be bothered to either scout or shoot down enemy scouts
or bombers.

Anyhow, those players are the reason why I give flak to the people that don't try. Back to
go raging at being in a constant night battle...

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 21. 2011 21:41

I haven't looked at this thread after I made it until now to stop myself from feeding
trolls, trolling myself and just to not self-bump.

The problem I have is that my views usually don't match up with other peoples about
GBIIs. In my opinion, BBs are just there to act as a buffer between the enemy and our
teams CVs. The CVs are by far the most important ships in the battle (flagship even more
so for obvious reasons).

As Ewood as said, yes, I do have my own FW CV and yes, I would rather slowly drip battery
acid in my eye than level up another CV6. So I fully understand the feeling of watching
the endless hordes of idiots sailing in straight lines and being nuked. However, I also
know that they have to stay alive long enough to stop me from being rushed.

Yes, bombing is incredibly effective but you have to realize what and when to bomb. A
flight of 10 DBs, even when not flying at default height and getting nuked by the masses
of AA ships around, ISN'T going to stop anything bigger than a BB3. Also, maybe everyone
should play a few CV Hunt rooms if V2 hosts some more just to see how many CVs are needed
to stop a group of rushing BBs...

Finally, CVs gain shared EXP. Your best plan would be trying to win. If you can win by
systematically bombing the other team; fine. Just remember the only thing stopping you
from being rushed are your BBs. Odds are they are a collective bunch of half wits that
will fail and blame you but still, if they lose you lose.

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 21. 2011 20:23

Well, when I saw you coming with a boat load (literally) of fighters, I sure as heck ran
away. While waiting for the game to start, I make note of the number and levels of SS, the
load outs on the CVs, and sometimes I look at the armament on the CLs and CAs. After this
fiasco, I now watch to see what BBs have scouts and what ones don't. So heads up for all
you BB drivers with no scouts complaining in game about vision. I will start calling you out.

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 21. 2011 20:10

I remember when high level cvs would actually fight me instead of running away. I also
remember beating quite a few of those high level CVs with unboosted pilots on my essex.
Granted I had alot more vets back then then I do now from the missions. Remember when CV
players had a legitimate thing to complain about besides worthless BBs? (super high vet death)

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 21. 2011 19:06

Ok, I can laugh at myself... didnt look very well at the CV going north, ya, Im a

And about swearing, seriously, how many people age 8 and above havent heard a
cuss word? Come on people...

I will apologize to those that took offense to what I posted, I was in a bad mood
after work today and a few games in my CV with people crying the whole time and I
shouldnt have said half of what I did and taken it oout on someone who had
nothing to do with it, but whats done is done. Take the apology or not, your
choice. :)

And not all BBs use scouts. The 4 or 5 games I played today I must have counted 2
in each game without a scout (not counting Nelsons). Sure, most players use them,
but its usually those that dont that moan and groan about being blind and then cry
about noob CVs.

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 21. 2011 18:21

Someday before too long, I'm going to be a lot better. I 'm going to remember what it was
like to get beat up and beat down. I'll be there helping little CVs bomb BBs.

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 21. 2011 18:12

i agree barrett, ill ask for someone to help escort my bombers while im refreshing my cap
and not one person pays attention to it... but i tk one rogue aaer all hell breaks loose lol

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 21. 2011 18:04

I remember when the higher level CV would fly a fighter wave in front of the bombers of
the lower level CV in order to sink the other teams CV.

Teamwork, rarely happens nowadays, but when it does its great.

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 21. 2011 17:58

and yea, if i see barrett on the other team i automatically just execute all my fighter
pilots lol... but i remember old school it used to be 'find the enemy cv!' and the cvs
would compete on killing the other first (thats when it was max what 4 cvs?) and killing
the enemy cv was a HUGE advantage... now with 20 bb's and 6cvs its hard to do that with 3
cv4+'s launching 30ish fighters in the air... and the huge number of overly accurate aaers
and aa escorts...

this game feels so against cvers, i mean not one ecv... but 3 ebb's...

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 21. 2011 17:55

I already did that Dampre :P

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 21. 2011 17:53

i spent 2 hours with lionel2 teaching him how to tb and to db manually, he was very eager
to learn and very responsive. granted i had a bad night and was really tired, i feel i
gave back something from all these years of running cv.

also, money > skill in the world of cv's... skill may help (i know its kept me from being
over run by t4's...) but the gap in cv's is just too huge. my taiho and essex have a hard
time (with lvl 80ish us and 86 ijn) competing with pcvs and cv6's at all... no matter how
you play against max level fighters boosted/vetted you dont stand a chance. t4's opened
the already retarded gap even more. i only play cause cvs... and if another game comes out
to compete with similar cv game play ill grin and bear it. but ive had alot of incredible
matches against some of the better cv players...

IMO fw and bw shouldnt be allowed
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