HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 04:24


Just added to the test server!

Not alot in detail yet but soo far quite concerning in the potential for how bad this could go wrong, anyways heres some screenshots.

All the available items


And I guess the means to bolt them to your ship

All we know is they are Olive funded items and have a duration of 3 days.

Your thoughts on this would be appreciated.


  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 05:15


How am I not surprised?

  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 05:16



  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 05:25


Thats it, this is whats going to drive me away. HA is already messed up beyond repair, yet this will transform it into a compete 100% Pay to Win game.

Nice going SDE.

I'm quitting this game. F this S.

  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 05:36


if this ever gets implemented, its pay 2 win. no more skill. And therefor it will be the end of this game. I think i speak for a lot of us when i say i will be gone if this comes out. This is just over the top.


will fleets have to go on strike for this? i think so.

  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 05:37


do they stack?

  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 05:41


Dissapointing to say the least...Pay to win such as this will be the end of the game. The mass exodus of free players is almost at hand. Regardless of how you feel about players who do not pay to play, the fact remains that they help keep this game alive. Without them the playerbase would shrink to next to nothing, and then the paying players will not be able to fill rooms and play the game.

Ship tuning prem items sold for real money(olives)...These are things a non paying player cannot aquire in game such as vets/experts and such. Heck even elites and boosts mean nothing when you look at the big picture and the fact that most sailors with good stats and E/Ved will reach the same caps. if you simply must add these to the game(NOT my preference) then make them so they are purchased with credits or fix the olive trade system, so regular players have access to them. This would also provide a credit sink and help with in game inflation I imagine too.

Then lets discuss the fact that much of what you propose to sell here is things you have told the test server guys you cant modify or mess with because nobody understands how they work. But now all of these things can be modified(temporarily) for just a few olives :(

I pay to play this game with Prem Sub 50% of the time/boosts/vets/experts/prem ships for leveling/HQ expansions and such...But I for one will never take advantage of your newely proposed Pay To Win items. I and others like myself will most likely leave the game if they are implimented.


My sugestion even though I know it falls on deaf ears:

Fix the memory leaks and coding flaws along with the persistant crashes(most likely due to the massive memory leaks). Then Focus on fixing HA/FW's. By doing this some past players would return and current players considering quiting would stay. As well as taking care of main issues players have with the game currently.




  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 05:48


Let's just pack out bags and go home.

  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 05:52


I don't have acces to $DE's records of how much ppl spend on this game, but if this game is anything like most FTP games only a minor portion of the population spends a lot on NF. Most do not spend anything at all or only (very) moderately.

But it's that majority of ppl that don't spend much on NF that keeps NF active and alive. They are the ppl that populate the rooms and allow a constant stream of games running so that the ppl who do spend much on NF have an active game and an active market to play in.
Without the masses that don't spend much, rooms will not open and start as fast, without them NF will die, as surely as Kaiser server and its predecessors died when their population dried up.

At present free players/moderate spenders can compete with the big spenders through carefull planning and the presence of ability caps.
These items either circumvent caps or boost stats that are not changeable in any other way  for the non-buyers and due to their short term nonpersistent nature will only be bought by the ppl that already spend a lot.
 No doubt some will use them in GB and rub ppl the wrong way. But it's in the competative environment that they will wreak the most havoc, without these items you will  have much less of a chance versus anyone who does uses them. It will put the competative part of the game out of reach of all who are not prepared to spend big.

If as a low spending player you can no longer compete with the big spenders, why would you spend any time on the game any more? Why would you level anything and or play or even log in, if in the end you can't compete anyway?
This line of reasoning will drive a lot of free/low spending players away and with them the players needed to start those rooms.

So if $De wants to make sure that NF2 will not be having much competition from NF, implementing these items will be a very good way of doing that.

  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 06:13


    Just don't...........................

  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 06:14



pay to win

If that is beeing implemented it will be the last day I am playing this game...


lets hope SDE is smart and fix the broken code and the HA´s that should be the focus not implementing new stuff.





BS 4 Life

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