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  • Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    10. 31. 2007 06:47

This thread is to rework the evaluation on the Hipper/Deutschland lines of ships.

Due to the ONF changes this has become necessary.

The real content will be posted below, so that this thread does not get de-stickied upon
being modified by me.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    04. 01. 2008 09:48

i don't think anyone really expected me to be able to speak Korean nor Japanese- thanks
for that captain obvious.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    04. 01. 2008 09:38

As expected.

Have a nice evening :)

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    04. 01. 2008 09:29

My moral compass? I don't know, i'm not good with technology. And all the manuals are in
Japanese or Korean.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    04. 01. 2008 09:22

nah but seriously, how could i stop posting? thats like asking you to do that, ha, its
never going to happen.

Well, if you/other people would stop digging things up/throwing additional insults around
(which is almost entirely the case with your most-recent post, don't get me wrong) then it
is very possible that I might stop posting, at least in reference to the subject at hand.

So, what is your very own 'mature moral compass' telling you to do now?

Have a nice evening :)

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    04. 01. 2008 09:15

**Isn't it fun to watch things escalate after you throw personal insults at someone?**

hahaha.. thats what my friend said... before he got stabbed :)

nah but seriously, how could i stop posting? thats like asking you to do that, ha, its
never going to happen. :>

oh and yes i had a very nice day today thank you, though its already evening i appreciate
the gesture; likewise.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    04. 01. 2008 08:59

Ah, come on...

Isn't it fun to watch things escalate after you throw personal insults at someone?

Anyway, if you want to stop entertaining me all you need to do is stop posting.

Maybe you'll even be able to leave this thread with a feeling of victory (unfounded, but
whatever...), then we can both draw some final amusement from this ^.^

Have a nice day :)

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    04. 01. 2008 08:55

sigh. i guess i was

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    04. 01. 2008 08:49

Ah well, I enjoy 'arguments' like this from time to time, especially when there is nothing
I could say 'I was wrong' about.

Had i known you would be so defensive perhaps i would've chozen my words more carefully

This would have indeed been nice... maybe with less personal insults?

***it was never my intent to challenge you.***

Which is always the case when some random guy insults another guy out of nowhere.

I understand. Totally.

***you must have some sort of mature moral compass***

Oh yes, I actually do have such a thing. Right now it is pointing at 'Get angry about the
ridiculous, unfounded insults which this random guy throws at me and laugh at the
same time while bitching back just for the fun of it'.

Have a nice day, and thank you for the entertainment :)

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    04. 01. 2008 08:40

ha, arguing about arguing; like an old couple. I guess you're not the type to compromise
or confess of being wrong so ratifying a further response would result in me just wasting
my breath. Had i known you would be so defensive perhaps i would've chozen my words more
carefully; hopefully this bickering can end as it was never my intent to challenge you.
This is childish and as an adult (as i assume you are one) you must have some sort of
mature moral compass. If not then perhaps i really am wasting my breath.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    04. 01. 2008 08:19

Switching 'obst' for 'chozen' and 'defensive' for 'offensive without any understanding', I
could throw your post right back at you. Would really work out nicely.


Almost forgot: Have a nice day :)