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  • Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    10. 31. 2007 06:47

This thread is to rework the evaluation on the Hipper/Deutschland lines of ships.

Due to the ONF changes this has become necessary.

The real content will be posted below, so that this thread does not get de-stickied upon
being modified by me.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    02. 10. 2008 08:19

excellent thread Obst, i went dland with good gunners but only just learnt to use
manual at the time... i have to say, apart from the moltke, i did pretty much rule blitz
once i vetted my gnrs to 109.
I enjoyed the ppro I & II but hated the sprite's and that part of the grind pretty
much flew by for me.
The 0Pro I was an amazing & fun ship to use, even without 3x high lvl eng's (eg 75
+ 11 BVE) its still went very fast. regualarly going so fast that i am at the top of the
map shooting down on the opposite team and causing havok.
0Pro II however was a total dissapointment, i was too slow and didnt have enough
range using the trip 14.96'z.
I got a Bo reset shortly afterwards and got the bissy, which was gerenrally a well
rounded ship with good range\damage and resonable speed with 4x engy'z and
little armour.
in my opinion the 0pro I is better than the gneis and the best ship ive played so far
in the KM BB\ BC line.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    02. 01. 2008 10:05

I vote for Deutschanland because after Hipper u won't able to get alot of gun space
like Deutschaland does

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    01. 26. 2008 13:42

I recently started working on my O-pro BO. D-land was great even with no supports
and only 200SD. Limited displacement ment that i was able to fit only half the sailors
i wanted on the ship. I was able to kill anything up to BB1 with ease, even some
wounded BB2+ in some cases. The AA is nice although i didn't like those AA firing
arcs (used to moltke firing front and back). Turns kinda slow. P-pro was nice too,
again easy preys were ships up to BB1. AA is better, fitting KM40 is nice, with decent
ammo, and more displacement ment i could use more high lvl sailors.
P-pro 2 allowed me to go after BB2 and BB3 and actually harm them. Although i used
a lot of bulkhead to be able to overheat while sustaining heavy damage, I kept the
speed to a resonable 44knts overheat with full displacement using 2 lvl 60ish non
boosted KM engys (overheat was about 30 seconds).
Almost blockshooting guns really helped while playing these ships :D.

Deutschland or Admiral Hipper?. I'd say both. Someone who wants to play KM up to
H44 will need to train more supports and level the gunners to 110 anyway so it will
sure help.
For the rest of the blitzguys out there: Hipper has 4 R mounts that means 4 tripple
5.9" guns for you and for the torpedo lovers D-land has 4 T mounts so it will kill that
pesky rushing DD (20 torps per side mmmmmmm, you will surely hit the DD with at
least one).

My first choice was hipper even though at the time it was at 48. Why? First because
this was the historical line and because i wanted the bismarck. Second because
everyone who had a D-land was saying they didn't like it (read some of obst's posts
at the time too, regarding the ships). Second choice D-land (allthough i wouldn't
have started the line if i didn't need 2 more engys and to lvl my gunners to 110).
Now that i have the D-land line i don't regret it at all. This game it's all about

Hipper it's for those of you who start Km and have low lvl sailors because the D-land
still requires higher level gunners (14 seconds reload for 11" compared to some
8seconds for the 8" and the 8" better spread). P-pro is a bigger D-land with more of
everything compared to the D-land. Sharn and P-pro2 are preety much the same
and so are Gnei and O-pro. Advantage: 1 more gun for P-pro2 and O-pro is a thinner
target. Disatvantage: You can't have both the O-pro and O-pro2 and if you choose
to grind in the O-pro to H39 it will test your nervs to the max. Bismarck and O-pro 2
are very much alike with the 14.96" (Nelly style gameplay possible for the O-pro2),
but with 11" the Bismarck is better, expecially in BB123.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    01. 09. 2008 20:35

you are lvl 107 :D
i think the deuscheland is better

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    01. 06. 2008 12:40

dude just pick

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    12. 25. 2007 07:04

150+ Vets, 40 Recruits, rest Experts, full crews.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    12. 24. 2007 10:36

How much is enough when talking about vets and experts for a km ps gunner to be considered

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    12. 20. 2007 20:33

huoh . .. i already have ps line and my gunners have 58lvl 12base and my bo have 60 >;<
but Dland is good if ur good aiming ,but its spread is really /#&"

This kinda topics are usefull
Thanks alot to putting this here , i can chose AH line with my another bo

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    12. 18. 2007 15:27

i sunk a lot of PS-Deutschland with my eugen. shorter reload, bad spreading on
shorter ranges...on high ranges too, thats all against the PS line.
Hipper-line is a lot better. ok, smaller guns, but faster reload and 2 more turrets will
do there work very well.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    12. 17. 2007 20:52

I ended up going the CA line as well. Right now, however, I'm in a really tight spot with my credits and need to
come up with 2.4 mil in 8 short levels so I can get the Seydlitz. Any tips (other than skipping the Eugen which I
plan to do, though I may get a Moltke).