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  • Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    10. 31. 2007 06:47

This thread is to rework the evaluation on the Hipper/Deutschland lines of ships.

Due to the ONF changes this has become necessary.

The real content will be posted below, so that this thread does not get de-stickied upon
being modified by me.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    11. 08. 2007 01:26

Certainly influenced my decision....
I went the Hipper line cos I cant shoot that well anyway, Deutchland would have
exacerbated the problem.
Thanks Obst

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    11. 06. 2007 14:12

The second set of any KM gun is instantly better then the previous gunset.

There is more code behind the guns then just what you are shown.

secondly the 6.75" set guns and the 8" set guns were not modified.
Except for the first set of 6.75" D which had a gunspace increase to remove it from the z99

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    11. 06. 2007 10:24

Obst; Can you clarify on the differences between the KM first and second sets of
6.75s and 8s please? From simply examining the numbers with post-ONF-patch;

lvl 35, 6.75"/40 SK L/40 L
- 811 m/s Muzzle Velocity
- 37 degree max elevation
- 4.76 s Reload

lvl 39, 6.75"/40 SK L/40s L
- 811 m/s Muzzle Velocity
- 37 degree max elevation
- 4.96 s Reload


lvl 45, 8"/60 SK C/31 L
- 1018 m/s Muzzle Velocity
- 37 degree max elevation
- 6.76 s Reload

lvl 49, 8"/60 SK C/34 L
- 1018 m/s Muzzle Velocity
- 37 degree max elevation
- 7.28 s Reload

(these numbers from trainworld but I beleive they are updated and match the game

Since it looks like the shells are identical and so are the "numbers" I'd like to know
your results from people actually using these. Essentially; have the second sets of
these guns been nerfed down the capabilities of the first sets only they're heavier
and have longer reload times?

Thanks sincerely,


  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    11. 05. 2007 16:38

I don't speak from experiece, but from what I've heard, the D-Land is nearly impossible to use effectively unless
you have simply UBER gunners (11/11 minimum). I've seen some Hippers perform very well even with the
laughable 5.9" trips mounted, and the 8" duals can be very accurate. I guess it simply depends on your style of
play. Less experienced people who want t stay with cruisers should go Hipper, while those more experienced who
have incredible gunners and want to go BB earlier should play D-Land.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    11. 05. 2007 14:54

Obst I would change the recommended guns for the Ppro1

11"/54.5 D -> 11" C/28 L

The 11" C/28 L have more range then the 11"/54.5 D with only 1 less bind of ammo (4 binds
verses 5)

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    11. 03. 2007 07:21

definately. now we can HIT something.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    11. 03. 2007 05:01

Hipper is much better buhhh
for the new patch Dland's accuracy has changed
does dat mean a lot to Dland??

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    11. 02. 2007 04:28

P2 is still at 59, that's a mistake in the changelog.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    11. 01. 2007 20:38

"Then, at level 59(PS)/60(Hip) you will gain access to your first real BC."

"The Scharnhorst can also use the 11" C/34 N, but has one more barrel than the P2. However,
it is a bigger target and comes later."

From patch notes:

"(4) KM
- Lv 59 BC.P-Project II
Required Level: 59 -> 60
Normal Displacement 11000 -> 9500
Speed: 2 knots increased

- Lv 62 Scharnhorst
Required Level: 62 -> 60
Speed: 1 knot decreased."

It would appear that Scharn and PII are now the same level.

  • Re : Deutschland or Admiral Hipper? (v2)

    11. 01. 2007 17:01

"The Prinz Eugen is a CL/CA murderer.
The range of the second set Dual 8"L is equal to 11" C/34 D (mind the D) so it still
outranges all other CL/CA except for P1.
It fires faster so it is capable of dealing with rushers better than the P1 and has
better placed turrets. However, the Prinz Eugen suffers from worse AA."

Obst I think you mean the 11" C/28 as the C/34 are the guns for the Ppro and if the Ppro's
intended main guns have equal range to the 8" L what is the point of the guns?