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  • Border humping

    04. 09. 2011 04:32

Why not simply prohibit?
why not adjust it so that there could not go with the aircraft or ships?
I think the game would then fair play.

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 17. 2011 13:32

> I am not being racist but seeing as how this is a NA gaming forum and the
> national languages are set as English so should the forum, infact.

By that logic, since Spanish and French are officially recognized in portions of North
America, they should be "official" here too. Shall we add Navajo and Inuit as well?

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 17. 2011 13:26

no man lukas senor, no habla espanol bom chicka wow wow.

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 17. 2011 13:14

I am not being racist but seeing as how this is a NA gaming forum and the national
languages are set as English so should the forum, infact.
I have many inter racial friends and family and am of a ethnic back ground myself so know
what racism is and this is not. This is a NA site where the national language is English
and so communication should be done in this language.
in NFKR I don't go there simply due to the fact I would not want to communicate in the
languages I know because that site is Korean.
Ljs should educate your self before saying such things, this is a matter of communication

Now that being said i will not lower myself to the forum trolls level any longer and will
not reply to any comments made by said trolls (we all know who they are) or this topic
again as I am simply stating the fact that we need to communicate in public forums and
such in one language and seeing as how this is a NA site the national language is English
if it were SA then yes i would communicate in spanish. Just like if you move or visit
another country would you expect all the locals to speak your language? I think not!

Good day and ponder that b4 you say I am being racist again

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 17. 2011 13:06

By the same logic Sindher, speak Spanish because not everyone speaks English? ;)

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 17. 2011 12:14

Concuerdo con Severn :D.

Otra todo el mundo entiende ingles y no tiene porque entender


I agree with Severn :).

Not everyone understands English and does not have to understand

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 17. 2011 12:13

but speak english because not everybody understands spanish.

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 17. 2011 12:03

This thread is about border humping, not your racist rants. NFNA is open for players
throughout the world.

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 17. 2011 11:58

This all depends who you ask and most European countries and the UN consider Mexico part
of Central America. Now I realize that in schools now they are teaching that Mexico is in
fact part of North America but with the rest of the world considering it still in Central.
I will stick with my previous statement. I also know for a fact that some teachers that
teach this are not 100% sure where to place it as they were taught the same as I was (same

I was speaking about the official national languages FYI
so this makes your post completely useless

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 16. 2011 21:44


the 1st most used language in north america is ENGLISH ...
the 2nd most used language in north america is SPANISH ...
the 3rd most used language in north america is SIGN LANGUAGE ...

french is somewhere down below these 3 for north america ...

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 16. 2011 21:31

Mexico is also part of North America... and they speak Spanish.
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