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  • Border humping

    04. 09. 2011 04:32

Why not simply prohibit?
why not adjust it so that there could not go with the aircraft or ships?
I think the game would then fair play.

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 15. 2011 20:17

Necesito saber...quien borro mis post y cual es la escusa por la cual lo hicieron


I need to know ... who do I delete my post and what is the excuse why they did

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 15. 2011 12:00

Fine then since I cant show 'Private communication' (what a crap idea that was, PROTECT

In my screen shot it showed my support ticket containing a link to images where a player
had boarder humped thier South Dakota, and used it to kill him (all be it I rushed him so
i could get his name in the screen shot, as even HK707 who was in the room couldnt
identifiy him)

For anyone who wishes to see this pm me and i'll send you the link.

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 15. 2011 11:59

I'm reluctant to send the screen shots in because every time I have sent in screenshots
about exploiting there was not enough information. Looking at those screenshots I do not
see anything happening.

Also if freeplay's post shows confirmation of a rule that is obviously not what the forum
rule is intended for.

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 15. 2011 11:45

Ny; Surely a clarification on a rule isn't "Private Communication"...

A GM has said it is illegal. There you go.

Why do you think that without exploiting a bug, you can't get outside the border. And you
know damn well that it is a bug.

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 15. 2011 11:42


  • Re : Border humping

    04. 15. 2011 11:14

Only loser cv players need to border hump planes and thats it! END OF STORY!

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 15. 2011 10:40

Border humping ships is illegal, that has been stated, border humping planes is not.

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 15. 2011 10:19

Dark GM seems to think its illegal.

*Edited PM Screenshot. Private communication is not to be shown on the forum - Ny*

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 15. 2011 10:18

BH planes is legal.

BH ships is a bannable offense.

Thats how I remember it to be.

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 15. 2011 10:12

Given the attempts they have made to keep players from being able to go outside the
borders, I would think so. Its not like they have banned players for it, wait, yes they have.
The original BeenSoko.
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