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  • Border humping

    04. 09. 2011 04:32

Why not simply prohibit?
why not adjust it so that there could not go with the aircraft or ships?
I think the game would then fair play.

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 16. 2011 21:05

I hate border humping exploits as much as the next person but what really gets me even
more is the fact this is NFNA!!! Navy Field NORTH AMERICA. Yes North AMERICA and the last
time I checked the only 2 national languages used in NORTH AMERICA are ENGLISH and FRENCH
so now would you stop using spanish to communicate on forum and in game as this is a NORTH
AMERICAN game server.

For those that are scratching their heads with the french part, North America consists of
2 countries USA and Canada with Canada having 2 national languages

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 16. 2011 20:58


  • Re : Border humping

    04. 16. 2011 20:49

*Whats wrong with Border humping planes, it adds some more fun to the game*

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 16. 2011 20:48

to quote sindher "Let's just add it to the long list of things that need to be fixed but never will"

sde added an overheat gauge. it was on that list..... the list got a little shorter

i use border humping as a cv not for bombers but for fighters. youd be supprised how many bbs
think their scouts are safe close to the border.

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 16. 2011 20:24


  • Re : Border humping

    04. 16. 2011 20:20

Whats wrong with Border humping planes, it adds some more fun to the game, worried about
suprise attack you get enough warning, do you have AA onboard,you can see the planes
shadows to shoot them down, keep a eye out for them. Or is it BB players whining again if
you dont like it go do BB rooms. And as for the lack of BB with out scouts on board in
game then asking for CV to scout for them amazes me.
There must be over 110 threads on this

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 16. 2011 15:38

If it never happened before I wouldnt have made an issue of it Cisco lol

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 16. 2011 15:36

Digan lo que quieran...yo no les contesto mas.

No tengo porque defenderme de algo que no hice y es una mentira...yo no fui el que
hizo el borderhumping, y no creo esas room para hacer border.

Por mas que quieran acusar a mi y a mi flota de que creamos esas rooms para hacer
border. Es la primera ves que pasa y antes nunca paso.

Si quieren mas respuestas hablen con un Mod que el les contesta sus dudas.

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 16. 2011 13:29

sin duda cisco eso no soluciona el problema, si has visto bien la screen de V2C tu
puedes perfectamente verte como "sombra" y el conteo no empieza, asi que
practicamente esa alternativa es algo ineficaz.

  • Re : Border humping

    04. 16. 2011 10:31

Stop the personal attacks in this thread. If you want to report something, the channel
for doing so is by Support Tickets.
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