HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • *Further Update* Prem Trading

    01. 03. 2012 08:11

Sorry to have to do this again, but we are still facing the situation where people are trying to 'buck' the system and the rules, even those in place previously.  To be more specific the trading of high level sailors with no class that can then be classed as BOs in order to bypass the no BO trading position.  So we have had to further refine the position on this and go hopefully very simple and basic.

From 19th January 2012 a sailor must have a Nation allocated and a Class allocated in order to be advertised in the Premium Trading system.  Any placed for advertisement in the Premium Trading system that do not have both a Nation and a Class already allocated will be cancelled by the GMs and there be NO refunds of posting costs.  Any that are already in the Premium Trading system before 19th January 2012 (and work on Korean time for entering 19th Jan please) will be honoured if someone purchases them.

No neutral sailors of any level, and no sailors that have a nation but are not yet classed - applies to ALL levels (yes we know about lvl 26 etc, but as I say we are keeping this simple and basic).

For info:  this thread was at 31 replies before the further update.


  • Re : Prem Trading of Unclassed Sailors

    01. 03. 2012 15:58

This is a funny post to be honest. When premium trading started, I sent a support asking for public
clarification of the trading of neuts/nationals, and if there was a level minimum. They told me they
would get back to me. I don't think people would care as much if since day 1, the trading rules
were the same as in game trading. But when you take things away, people naturally complain.

  • Re : Prem Trading of Unclassed Sailors

    01. 03. 2012 17:45

i think, buyer have their responsibility to check the item they purchase

this is no point to ban this kind of crew in trading.

  • Re : Prem Trading of Unclassed Sailors

    01. 03. 2012 17:58

Buying BO's is murder to the game.


Neuts below 25 or whatever should be allowed because it's pointless.

  • Re : Prem Trading of Unclassed Sailors

    01. 03. 2012 18:32

Originally Posted by Rehor

Buying BO's is murder to the game.


Neuts below 25 or whatever should be allowed because it's pointless.

  • Re : Prem Trading of Unclassed Sailors

    01. 03. 2012 19:34

rehor couldnt be more correct

  • Re : Prem Trading of Unclassed Sailors

    01. 03. 2012 21:11

Why cant neuts be sold, especially over level 25? Not like they can be used for BOs anymore.

  • Re : *Updated* Prem Trading of Unclassed Sailors

    01. 04. 2012 01:00

+1 to Rehor

Lets use some common sense.

  • Re : *Updated* Prem Trading of Unclassed Sailors

    01. 04. 2012 14:08

Wouldn't it make more sense to allow the sale but require a disclaimer that any neutrals over 25 are perma-neut?

Several times a month I tell myself I should roll a neut crew and make an ASW platform out of the FF-Y

  • Re : *Updated* Prem Trading of Unclassed Sailors

    01. 04. 2012 15:05

Vick, you got confused again.

The original patch wasn't meant to prevent a sailor to choose a class even if they were nation picked.

From the beginning to the end, it only prevents Neutral from choosing nation or to be class ( don't know why they have to repeat twice when both means the same thing)

It however, never, mentionned national unclassed.


Patch ver. 1.278
Date: December 16, 2009

3. Due to confusion of many players, the limit level for classing neutral sailors will be
changed from '24' to '25'. Any neutral sailor 'above' level 25, will not be able to chose
nationality or class.


Patch ver. 1.282
Date: February 17, 2010

1. Classing sailor's nation at Lv. 25 issue has been fixed.


Patch ver. 1.277
Date: December 09, 2009

4. Sailors above level 25 can now gain experience again. However, neutral sailors
higher than level 25 will not be able to chose nationality or class.


  • Re : *Updated* Prem Trading of Unclassed Sailors

    01. 05. 2012 16:12

**Update and Clarification** The original patch that prevented classing of sailors lvl 26 and above, even if they had a nation (circa Oct 10), has been overtaken and testing shows it is possible to class provided a nation has been allocated in time, as some of you have pointed out here - thank you. Further discussion with the GMs has brought this issue to a position where, rather than change the system to the original intent again, Premium Trading can be placed provided the sailor has a nation allocated. Note: the nation allocation restriction is still in the system. Apologies for any confusion in the meantime, but hopefully that is clearer..

Does this mean unclassed nation sailors can be traded and used as BOs? I certainly hope not. Now there are reasons for leaving as a national sailor besides powerlevelin BOs and I hope this dosnt get taken away in some sort of "fix". All we need is another repeat of the disaster of a patch we had last time they removed this feature.

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