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General Discussion


  • CV, SS or BB?

    01. 29. 2012 23:25

What should i get first CV, SS, or BB?


  • Re : CV, SS or BB?

    02. 05. 2012 03:33

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Originally Posted by leaderwolf

Originally Posted by Sonlirain

CV - High credit gain.

Make a CV (for the love of god read a guide about making a CV crew because if i see you launching 6+ planes on one pilot i... well i don't care but doing so i BAD) and use the credit gain to support a SS or BB line.
Also they need less crew than a BB.

Subs have notoriously bad exp and they don't get good till SS3.
On the upside they don't need as much crew compared to CVs and BBs.

Battleships are good but you need a lot of crew and the exp is tightely connected to hod well you play.
You can get 100k exp or more or get oneshotted by a Montana right at the start and get 200 exp.

100% agreed other advice is hidden dirty mind or nonskilled noobs.No one ship isn't easy to play,if you do some do better or die crying.

Wrong, submarines are easy to play.

not easy to play jl

  • Re : CV, SS or BB?

    02. 05. 2012 16:15

Originally Posted by Adm_Mintoni

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Originally Posted by leaderwolf

Originally Posted by Sonlirain

CV - High credit gain.

Make a CV (for the love of god read a guide about making a CV crew because if i see you launching 6+ planes on one pilot i... well i don't care but doing so i BAD) and use the credit gain to support a SS or BB line.
Also they need less crew than a BB.

Subs have notoriously bad exp and they don't get good till SS3.
On the upside they don't need as much crew compared to CVs and BBs.

Battleships are good but you need a lot of crew and the exp is tightely connected to hod well you play.
You can get 100k exp or more or get oneshotted by a Montana right at the start and get 200 exp.

100% agreed other advice is hidden dirty mind or nonskilled noobs.No one ship isn't easy to play,if you do some do better or die crying.

Wrong, submarines are easy to play.

not easy to play jl

well its easy to drive one but to play a good game with it not soo easyyy

  • Re : CV, SS or BB?

    02. 05. 2012 16:21

To the OP I would say go BB. You will get supports to use for your other lines, and it is the most fun, pacewise, playstyle wise, etc.

But for real, once you get ahead on points, roll up some more crew and try the other lines, if for nothing else than to learn how better to defeat or mitigate them.

  • Re : CV, SS or BB?

    02. 05. 2012 16:28

Originally Posted by joshmon999

Get a BB...and it is the most fun...

"Waiting > Playing."

  • Re : CV, SS or BB?

    02. 05. 2012 16:28

To the OP I would say go BB. You will get supports to use for your other lines, and it is the most fun, pacewise, playstyle wise, etc.

But for real, once you get ahead on points, roll up some more crew and try the other lines, if for nothing else than to learn how better to defeat or mitigate them.

  • Re : CV, SS or BB?

    02. 05. 2012 16:56

Originally Posted by Vollmongo

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Wrong, submarines are easy to play.

LJ you dont like subs everyone knows so this answer is just useless and also WRONG

In NF every ship is easy to play .... fact

to play it good is another story...

about subs ask the "kriegsmarine" guys and learn a lesson about good sub playing.... and also it was metioned b4 in an ss1 and ss2 your just a victim so thats not what I call easy.

but back to topic

in your case i would try All so you can make up your mind and find out what you like most...

I don't hate subs. I hate overpowered content. I would love to see subs balance properly. But I guess I levelled a bunch of SS5's because I hate them.

Gotta love the hate brigade!

Originally Posted by leaderwolf

Originally Posted by Vollmongo

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Wrong, submarines are easy to play.

LJ you dont like subs everyone knows so this answer is just useless and also WRONG

In NF every ship is easy to play .... fact

to play it good is another story...

about subs ask the "kriegsmarine" guys and learn a lesson about good sub playing.... and also it was metioned b4 in an ss1 and ss2 your just a victim so thats not what I call easy.

but back to topic

in your case i would try All so you can make up your mind and find out what you like most...

+1 for mongo is cut some nose.

-1 For Altsein for using another account to avoid a ban.

Originally Posted by joshmon999

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Wrong, submarines are easy to play.

This is a new player looking for objective info from the community, and you need to come in here and bleat your propaganda?

Chess is easy to play, But all chess players are not equal.... are they ALL skill-less? Is chess a skill-less game because it is easy to get the basics down?
I know you have some intelligence, since occasionally you say intelligent things, that's why when you make statements like that I am puzzled. Is it like when a Harvard educated politician makes some outrageous claim on TV for the benefit of the ignorant masses, because he knows they'll mill around like sheep re-bleating it?.

' Without skill' implies that no amount of experience will change the outcome of a contest. This is demonstrably false. Two guys, same lvl crew, same SS.... one is like popping a pimple to kill, the other is like trying to get rid of herpes. What, the harder to kill one just has more 'skill-less-ness'?

I try to respect your intelligence, dude, but at a certain point we must assume that you KNOW you are lying or exaggerating. Why don't you just stick to facts? I think people would respect you more if it even seemed like you were a TINY bit able to make an objective judgement. Have you even tried pretending that's possible?

It isn't propaganda at all. Subs are crazy easy to play and do well in GB's, without requiring vast amounts of skill or luck. Just look at some of the players that play sub constantly when they switch to BB/CV.

The fact that SS2's are still killing BB4's in the fleet league proves my point even more. While not many, but you still don't see PCA's solo'ing a BB4 in those games...

  • Re : CV, SS or BB?

    02. 05. 2012 16:57

Originally Posted by Adm_Mintoni

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Originally Posted by leaderwolf

Originally Posted by Sonlirain

CV - High credit gain.

Make a CV (for the love of god read a guide about making a CV crew because if i see you launching 6+ planes on one pilot i... well i don't care but doing so i BAD) and use the credit gain to support a SS or BB line.
Also they need less crew than a BB.

Subs have notoriously bad exp and they don't get good till SS3.
On the upside they don't need as much crew compared to CVs and BBs.

Battleships are good but you need a lot of crew and the exp is tightely connected to hod well you play.
You can get 100k exp or more or get oneshotted by a Montana right at the start and get 200 exp.

100% agreed other advice is hidden dirty mind or nonskilled noobs.No one ship isn't easy to play,if you do some do better or die crying.

Wrong, submarines are easy to play.

not easy to play jl

Yes they are

  • Re : CV, SS or BB?

    02. 05. 2012 17:31

Just a reminder to be respectful of each other please. This thread is about laying out the benefits and cons of each line for ussget_sume to understand, not about which line is "broken, easy or over-powered"

  • Re : CV, SS or BB?

    02. 05. 2012 19:42

Originally Posted by scvbari

Just a reminder to be respectful of each other please. This thread is about laying out the benefits and cons of each line for ussget_sume to understand, not about which line is "broken, easy or over-powered"

Yet, it still is a point to say a class is overpowered and easy to play. A very important point.

Otherwise, players level, sink everything in subs and think they are actually good at the game. Then go into a BB, and miss 15 salvo's against a crippled and beached Sodak in their EBB3.

  • Re : CV, SS or BB?

    02. 07. 2012 09:57

Originally Posted by Sindher

Originally Posted by ljsevern

If you want to join pubbie rooms and kill people without concentrating, go SS.

Not sure if misspelling, but what is a pubbie? I r noob.

1. pubbie 242 up, 31 down

Members of a game community that aren't in your particular private group. Usually seen as less desirable to play with.
We don't have enough players, we could always let some pubbies join.
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by Brian B. Griffiths Jul 3, 2007 share this add a video
2. Pubbie 73 up, 102 down

Derogatory term used to describe anyone playing a multiplayer game that isn't a member of the Something Awful forums, typically goons treat them like lower class garbage and expose themselves as scumbag garbage in the process. While it can be great to grief the doucebag teens that plague online games goons have decided that even the average joe is worth being fucked with for laughs.

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Those fucking pubbies wanting to play a game online let's grief em!
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pubbie goons something awful l games randoms
by SaQualityControl May 23, 2010 share this add a video
3. Pubbie 107 up, 227 down

A word used by those of lesser intellect to describe other people in a game. Mostly used by people of a gay mormon website while they are stroking each others e-peen.
heI gyZ I a goon and u is all pubbies.
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