HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • after watching HA video

    02. 12. 2012 11:27

After watching the HA video im sad now . I saw after the crash happened many players in AA had mixed feeling on what was next to do for them. 1 The right thing and 2 the wrong thing after billos told everyone to attack anyways i noticed altsien tenuos jae4x4 were encouraging others to attack yet handsomeharry and howdeedodat seemed against and unsure if this was the right thing to do. HONOR was meantioned several times during this time I understand that the masses just do as they are told. sadly this may ultimately fall on the leaders seeing as they know very well how these things can cause "bad blood" between fleets friends etc afterwards yet reputations that kill fleets period. I was a player in BA a long time and enjoyed my time there and played with many of AA's players then and now so seeing this makes me sad. Not much else to say not here to BLAST anyone but  I cant help but shake my head at some in disappointment and raise my glass to a few unexpected others .I dont want SDE/TNF to do anything on this im sure its no secret Blacksun will be there this saturday to take whats ours. good luck and have fun.
heres a link for the video see for your self and make your own decisions


  • Re : after watching HA video

    02. 12. 2012 17:42

Originally Posted by fear2321

Originally Posted by jrbn1106

Originally Posted by Nmac

After watching to video there was an an issue here I thank hertzy1 and iron_mask's comments as for you sindher I don't, and as for Dallion he dose have the respect from majority of the fleet (AA) and is big enough to offer to hand london back to BS if they so wish to have it back so lets look as these factors that played a roll in what had happen to the London HT.

1, the decision to take the HT or not to how much dose it take to declare on a harbour? a fair bit $

2, how long dose it take to get to the Harbour maybe 1hr and 30min so so give or take

3, so how many people where involed a lot of people from both sides had given up there time to either attack or defend the HT

4, so do all the fleets have a contingency plan in case this happens to them no, no one expects things like this to happen to them, so being an ex-service personel a decision has to be made, on the spot some time there's enough time to stop and think about it sometimes not, now a decision is made. What next was it right or was it wrong, good or bad it was done.

5, Now after the HA its easy for people to jump to conclusions and blame well it was resolved in fleet and a decision to hand back the London to BS was reached not to long after HA was over did cena offer that no he did not there's the diference between decent leader and one that just has followers

6, What had happen if the attacking force had crashed then what would the defending force say we should extend the time back to where it was when they first starting attacking the HT, I think not would NF reinburse the attacking fleets credits also I think not, because they would be admitting FAULT and would leave them to blame out right.

7, Final Dallion really had nothing to appologize for ALL You Fleet Leaders need to question NF problems with this crashing thing it's not new its being happening in GB rooms for ages now you have all sat back and said this and said that and not one of you people have dared to say this was all really caused by Nf for failing to fix this long time problem.

One problem i see here... You're trying to shed all the blame... A decision was reached on the spot, and everyone that reached the decision new how low it really was... ESPECIALLY to shell the harbor so that it resets everything and now BS will have to rebuild it... That isn't cheap.

BS will have to rebuild it... That isn't cheap. man wish i was there to help in this .....YOU GUYS HAVE THE MONEY AND THE TIME !!!

They have the money. They have the Technology. They can rebuild him.

  • Re : after watching HA video

    02. 12. 2012 17:44

Didn't offer to give the harbor back? Yea, I did.

Great job on making yourself look like a hypocrite Dallion.

Not as easy as it looks is it... Making orders like that on the fly, when the fleet is giving you mixed signals.

Guess you should of stuck to your Code of Conduct.

Anyways... Popcorn's done.

i know your lovin this :-)

They have the money. They have the Technology. They can rebuild him. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

  • Re : after watching HA video

    02. 12. 2012 17:49

dont get me wrong AA puts up great ha's and they impress me everytime we encounter there forces, that said its just a game and meant to be for fun. but dont take something that you weren't even close of taking. And the people that didnt like the idea of taking it have my respect.

  • Re : after watching HA video

    02. 12. 2012 17:50

Originally Posted by Mitch_p

dont get me wrong AA puts up great ha's and they impress me everytime we encounter there forces, that said its just a game and meant to be for fun. but dont take something that you weren't even close of taking. And the people that didnt like the idea of taking it have my respect.


  • Re : after watching HA video

    02. 12. 2012 17:51

Originally Posted by fear2321

i know your lovin this :-)

You know it!

  • Re : after watching HA video

    02. 12. 2012 18:13

As a long time AA member, and player since god knows when,

I wasn't at the HA, but taking the harbor was simply unacceptable and totally out of character for AA (I hope).

Deepest apologies to BS.

I'm tired of this game.

  • Re : after watching HA video

    02. 12. 2012 18:28

This game was much more fun when it actually worked.

My general rule of thumb with HAs:

If a bug happens that removes the defending fleet: Retreat from room.

I don't know about Cena or Dallion, but I personally hate the idea of taking a harbor. I'd rather earn the harbor.

  • Re : after watching HA video

    02. 12. 2012 18:31

Originally Posted by MrClueLess

As a long time AA member, and player since god knows when,

I wasn't at the HA, but taking the harbor was simply unacceptable and totally out of character for AA (I hope).

Deepest apologies to BS.

I'm tired of this game.

Please dont quit NF buddy your a good player and a good guy in general. And I appreciate everyones input and thoughts on this topic I posted .
Please do your best not to flame everyone/anyone guys/girls I dont want TNF to PWN my thread its super duper hot and I want everyone to see what happened on saturday, this is a bug in game that needs to be fixed bad to help avoid situations like this from happening again in the future. Good luck and have fun.

  • Re : after watching HA video

    02. 12. 2012 18:33

Originally Posted by Mitch_p

dont get me wrong AA puts up great ha's and they impress me everytime we encounter there forces, that said its just a game and meant to be for fun. but dont take something that you weren't even close of taking. And the people that didnt like the idea of taking it have my respect.

i would have done it mitch because i know u had a pink cowboy hat on.......

  • Re : after watching HA video

    02. 12. 2012 18:33

Originally Posted by Nmac

After watching to video there was an an issue here I thank hertzy1 and iron_mask's comments as for you sindher I don't, and as for Dallion he dose have the respect from majority of the fleet (AA) and is big enough to offer to hand london back to BS if they so wish to have it back so lets look as these factors that played a roll in what had happen to the London HT.

1, the decision to take the HT or not to how much dose it take to declare on a harbour? a fair bit $

2, how long dose it take to get to the Harbour maybe 1hr and 30min so so give or take

3, so how many people where involed a lot of people from both sides had given up there time to either attack or defend the HT

4, so do all the fleets have a contingency plan in case this happens to them no, no one expects things like this to happen to them, so being an ex-service personel a decision has to be made, on the spot some time there's enough time to stop and think about it sometimes not, now a decision is made. What next was it right or was it wrong, good or bad it was done.

5, Now after the HA its easy for people to jump to conclusions and blame well it was resolved in fleet and a decision to hand back the London to BS was reached not to long after HA was over did cena offer that no he did not there's the diference between decent leader and one that just has followers

6, What had happen if the attacking force had crashed then what would the defending force say we should extend the time back to where it was when they first starting attacking the HT, I think not would NF reinburse the attacking fleets credits also I think not, because they would be admitting FAULT and would leave them to blame out right.

7, Final Dallion really had nothing to appologize for ALL You Fleet Leaders need to question NF problems with this crashing thing it's not new its being happening in GB rooms for ages now you have all sat back and said this and said that and not one of you people have dared to say this was all really caused by Nf for failing to fix this long time problem.

1. If Dallion had decided to call off the attack because of the crashes, I'm sure he and Warspite could have worked something out to where AA would have been reimbursed for their declaration fee.

2. If everyone on AA's side retreated out of the HT when they had seen that BS was crashing, they could have still had another battle room with time to try to take it fairly.

3. Yes, a lot of players had given up their time to participate in the HA, but they also expected to have a fun, enjoyable, fair-played HA. Not one where the harbor is taken because of a mass-crash/bug (as seen from both BS and AA members).

4 & 5 tie together. Dallion knew it was a wrong decision even before he made it. He did nothing different from what UN did with the Tokyo harbor. London was taken because the defending fleet was unable to defend the harbor due to a mass-crash/bug. Same situation as when AA was defending Tokyo.

6. As mentioned in #1, I'm sure War and Dallion could have worked out some sort of reimbursement because of the crashes.

7. Yes, the majority of players voted to have HAs back with all the bugs and issues it used to have, but there is a known Code of Honor between Fleets and Fleet Leaders that most abide by when it comes to bugs and/or crashes like in this situation. UN Fleet broke that Code of Honor when AA was defending Tokyo, and now AA has broken that Code of Honor by taking London in the same fashion.

The point of the matter is, Dallion had plenty of time to think things through and know which decision was right for both the HA and AA and which was wrong, yet he still proceeded to make the dishonorable decision and take the harbor by an exploit. For that, he has earned disrespect not only for himself but for his fleet (excluding the few members who actually protested against it).

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