HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Should the fleet penalty system be altered?

    02. 18. 2012 18:59

- Leave penalty as is - Penalty anytime a member leaves a fleet.

- Use new method - New fleet members receive 10 day wait period before able to participate in HA.

This is currently an active poll on the NF forums.

I can tolerate the current system because the Kaiser server doesn't have that bad of a merc problem.
However if there is such a merc problem like Nebraska maybe, idk.
 I think it's more realistic if you just make the wait period 8 days for fleet
penalty when you leave a fleet, like rehor said in the polls thread.

I think it's rediculous for someone that joins a fleet having them wait 10 days before they can participate in a
HA. It's so out of this world because I think if someone is tagless for longer than a week, they will be penalized
for 10 days without being ablt to play a HA. Therefore if someone is tagless for a month+ they get penalized
because of this so called big merc problem.



  • Re : Should the fleet penalty system be altered?

    02. 19. 2012 15:13

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Originally Posted by AndrusN

Originally Posted by ljsevern

I would just love to see some kind of alliance/merc system for HA where fleets can hire other fleets/squads/players to help defend the outer tiles for credits and tax benefits.



Whatever happen to the progress of that suggestion?

Pretty much the same as 99% of other good idea's. Dev's are too lazy to work/SDE won't hire more staff.

I wish I was more together, I would volunteer in a heart beat.

  • Re : Should the fleet penalty system be altered?

    02. 19. 2012 15:13

Originally Posted by Plazmadj

Perhaps the new HA system will have it? One can only hope...

I am hoping for this too.

  • Re : Should the fleet penalty system be altered?

    02. 19. 2012 18:39

A few things on this topic:

1- I remember when I first started playing the game, the fleet penalty was 3 days. Then they changed it to 10 days, and then back down to 7 days. I personally think, a week is long enough. Even if a fleet declares on a harbor, there is no way a non fleet member (who just left a fleet) be able to join in their HA. That was the reason behind the longer penalty for Fleet Hoppers who abused the 3 day system.
2- I agree with ussr. Even a week penalty is not going to make a difference between a non active, high level account in a said fleet finding another play to help in an HA/FL and or a FW. So what will this solve? Nothing, its already being done, by tons of fleets on both servers!
3- On the EU server their pen is 20 days!!! Say you go into a fleet, you get a 20 day penalty from the day you join. Say for example, you join Feb 1st, and on the 5th you decide you don't like the fleet, and want to go to a fleet who owns a harbor, and help them in their next harbor, say you leave on the 5th in the fleet you are in, and the fleet accepts you, and their HA is on the 15th. You still are not able to join the new fleet until the 20th!!!!!!!!!!!
Another example to this, say you waited your 20 day penalty, and decide to leave your current fleet, and join another for a HA and go back to your original fleet, well you are screwed because you will have a 20 day penalty.
4- I say leave the penalty alone, it is long enough. With the move member function that helps out on fleet members wanting to move from sq to sq with out a penalty.

  • Re : Should the fleet penalty system be altered?

    02. 19. 2012 18:47

Originally Posted by hlong19

A few things on this topic:

1- I remember when I first started playing the game, the fleet penalty was 3 days. Then they changed it to 10 days, and then back down to 7 days. I personally think, a week is long enough. Even if a fleet declares on a harbor, there is no way a non fleet member (who just left a fleet) be able to join in their HA. That was the reason behind the longer penalty for Fleet Hoppers who abused the 3 day system.
2- I agree with ussr. Even a week penalty is not going to make a difference between a non active, high level account in a said fleet finding another play to help in an HA/FL and or a FW. So what will this solve? Nothing, its already being done, by tons of fleets on both servers!
3- On the EU server their pen is 20 days!!! Say you go into a fleet, you get a 20 day penalty from the day you join. Say for example, you join Feb 1st, and on the 5th you decide you don't like the fleet, and want to go to a fleet who owns a harbor, and help them in their next harbor, say you leave on the 5th in the fleet you are in, and the fleet accepts you, and their HA is on the 15th. You still are not able to join the new fleet until the 20th!!!!!!!!!!!
Another example to this, say you waited your 20 day penalty, and decide to leave your current fleet, and join another for a HA and go back to your original fleet, well you are screwed because you will have a 20 day penalty.
4- I say leave the penalty alone, it is long enough. With the move member function that helps out on fleet members wanting to move from sq to sq with out a penalty.

Your missing the point.

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