HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Petition: Server Merge

    03. 01. 2012 10:24

I am starting a petition with whats left of our NF community.
It almost seems like there are more mods than players on Kaiser.

We need to face reality, no matter how much we hate it, Kaiser is dead.
There is no way to hide it, we NEED a merge for NF:2D to continue any longer.

Send me a Forum PM saying "Signed" and your vote will be counted towards a support ticket asking for a Server Merge. 

Remember the old days?
When people had FUN grinding thier boats?
When ships were balanced?
When a BB4 was a HUGE achievment?
When the Mods were friendly?
When Obst had his P-Pro? 

We all know we will never get those times back, so can TNF/SDE let NFNA go out with a bang? 

*Edited out picture - Ny*


  • Re : Petition: Server Merge

    04. 12. 2012 18:50


Event is over and back to low amount of players on Kaiser server, YES merge is needed.

  • Re : Petition: Server Merge

    04. 12. 2012 20:26


Was a month Necro really nessasary.. You already have the 20th new topic on this subject already on the front page.

Requesting lock and return focus to the current thread on this discussion.

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