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  • AAW ability DON'T WORK !!!

    06. 03. 2013 02:35


AAW ability don't work! FOR ALL NATIONS !

not enough ijn aaw ability (AA gunners) don't work from when is game, now don't work for all nations. i test myself AAW gunners for uk, usn, km, and yes, RELOAD ABULITY GIVEN BY AAW DON'T WORK!!!

aaw ability it supouse to be reload ability . i remember the old times (few years ago) when i use AAW uk with A gun series with great reload (2x4,5"Ä, 2x4,7"A, 2x5,25"A all series), uk have and had form always the worst reload. when i say great reload i mean between shot and explode AA shells the guns still shots 3-4 times, especially guns with 2,2 sec reload.

TNF why did you unset the AAW ability and why you don't put back to real value? for everybody, game have behind of graphics a sql database who can be modifieted without reflect real value in picture - in game - .

TNF, any answer to this, if you put back AAW or we just spend our time to grow up crap for nothing?

p.s. for picture example i use 2 gunners, one normal with 1700 relaod ability, one aaw with 2500 aaw ability, and 2 guns, one L series with 2,7 sec reload and one aaw with 2,24 sec reload. of course normal gunner and L gun series shot x3 times faster reload like A gun series - aaw gunner; and diference between ability aaw and reload is senistive big, 2500 vs 1700. in fact the AAW works just with that 800 reload ability.......

p.p.s why use AA? the easiest mode to made experience in battle, especially with low lvl ships, dd-cl-ca, a decent experience from killing planes with bb 1-2 or low lvl's crew on pbb - ebb, and from faraway a mode to increase experts on your own sailors. the 2nd or 3rd advantage keep your team undercover in darkness area for enemy team or sometimes keep yourself in darkness who made diffrence between loose and win, sunk or be sunken.



  • Re : AAW ability DON'T WORK !!!

    06. 03. 2013 03:29


It has always been like this. Always. Always. Always.

AAW ability of sailors has never been an active stat. You are confusing this with reload ability of AA gunners.

All sailors' AAW abilities were supposed to add up and to add to the ship's AAW stat, making it more powerful in its PASSIVE AAW, hitting planes that are not AAW-immune with the little autocannons. The ship's AAW stat is active, but not the sailors'.

You need to read the forum. It is all explained here.