HA Infomation

Technical Support


  • head scratcher

    06. 20. 2013 13:06


i recently had my account restored afer being inactive for a long lenght of time.

i found that everything was restored but i was missing my CV6 midway uk line. ive sent a few tickets in but have not come to a conclusion as of yet.

however, upon a little searching i found that within my HQ i can see all my ships including my cv6 in the deposit tab. even though its not in my harbour. does anyone know what this means?

it also says i cant deposit it the cv6 in the HQ when i try.

and i have not sold it or had it sold and credits reimbursed to my account.


any answers would be a great help


thanks in advance




  • Re : head scratcher

    06. 20. 2013 23:16


Try putting the BO on the waiting list OR usually the BO tree is reset during the restoration of the account.  Check the BO and redo the ship tree.   That may allow you to place the BB6 in your harbor.