HA Infomation

Technical Support


  • Bridge operator problem

    06. 30. 2013 17:16


Ive been out of the game for a while. but i had my account restored and have all the sailors i had before. my BO is a darker shade from the other guys and i cant drag him onto my ship. The BO is the proper lvl for the ship but he is the only one i cannot drag onto the ship. any suggestions? oh also, when i clicked onto my BO's [SHIP] square to look at the other ships, it had the frigate selected (As the next ship i could choose from) as if i was starting over. i have the barracuda and cant even look at the next sub


  • Re : Bridge operator problem

    06. 30. 2013 17:26


It had the frigate selected as if you were starting over? You mean the fletcher class?


It sounds like your BO has had a ship tree reset, but I can't be sure from your description. You can just select whatever ships you want. So Fletcher, Somers/Gearing, DDX, Atlanta, O type, S type, Barracuda.



If the BO has ships up to the barracuda SS selected then he should be able to use any of those ships. If he already has his ship tree set, selling your Barracuda and buying a new one, or putting it and/or your BO in the HQ and removing it.

  • Re : Bridge operator problem

    06. 30. 2013 23:08


Restoration resets the ship lines.  Redo the shiplines.  You can even choose a different line  sending a bad BO on the CV or SS line for example.

  • Re : Bridge operator problem

    07. 01. 2013 16:42


Thank for the info. Ill give it a try