HA Infomation

Technical Support


  • Crew and ships missing

    07. 17. 2013 10:09


I've been out of the game for a while and have been trying to get back in. I go to log into my account after having to have it "restored" because I haven't played since before the servers merged. I log in, and my ships and all crew members are gone. USN BB with crew, and KM cruiser with crew. Money and points have been reset. But I apparently still have my hedgehogs, depth charges, and two premium ships. Can anyone shed some light on this situation for me? Support tickets have proved futile thus far.


  • Re : Crew and ships missing

    07. 17. 2013 10:16


not much you can do.. this has happened to ppl I know before. Just rebuild.. thats all I can say. you might be able to get some help rebulding if you ask around

  • Re : Crew and ships missing

    07. 17. 2013 10:29


Damn. No sense. It'll take too long to get back to BB.

  • Re : Crew and ships missing

    07. 17. 2013 13:56


Originally Posted by fiddlefaddle

not much you can do.. this has happened to ppl I know before. Just rebuild.. thats all I can say. you might be able to get some help rebulding if you ask around

not correct.

if you use the  'contact support' option and send a ticket with the following infomation:

server name last played on(or more than one name if you played on more than one server)

aprox date last played

details of ships/BO lines/crews you remember.


if you cant remember all the above info we can still check but it will take longer the less infomation you provide.


normally recovery is up to two years, but if it is over that we can still look and see.


answered. locked.