HA Infomation



  • Stop trying to limit the gameplay

    07. 16. 2012 09:13

Recommend : 10


I was looking through the posts in the suggestion thread, and I was disgusted (not surprised) by all the "limit [blank]" and "require [x]" threads.

I have a suggestion;
Quit trying to regulate the way others play and instead back proposals that would allow a much more diverse gameplay.  

I mean honestly, who are you to say if I can run 3 fighters and 3 bombers on my Hosho in a Great Battle? Who are you to tell me that I have to put a scout on my battleship or how many planes I can load on one pilot? Believe me, that 12 plane loadout was NOT the only reason you bought it, nor was the manner in which I decided to load pilots on my CV.

The biggest excuse for this is "it hurts teamplay". That's a blatant lie, one that is seamlessly replaced by "its not how I want you to play because I would have to change my play-style and that's far to unfair for me because it might not work, so enjoy your nerf and regulation." 

While I value the commitment and assistance legends such as "LjSevern" and "Rehor" have offered to the NF community, these "solutions" seek to limit the gameplay to one specific tactic. It's already a given which team is going to win based on the BB assignments and number of Subs as it is, and limiting gameplay to one viable tactic is only solidifying that.  

The last rebuttal to all these regulatory suggestions is aimed at the top-heavy nature of NF; unless you're a player who's been here for multiple years, you don't benefit from these at all. Who exactly started their first CV line with 4 fighters and 2 bombers? I have yet to come across a newb CV driver that has more than three pilots at the most, and that includes the multiple torpedo pilots. Granted, this is only an example, and my grieviances extend much farther beyond this specific subject, however it is only the latest attempt at limiting Gameplay in general.

Come on guys, we're here for fun, not a virtual version of the ole' nine to five for no benefit whatsoever. 


  • Re : Stop trying to limit the gameplay

    07. 16. 2012 09:26


tho I fully understand LJs logic in his thread, imposing regulations on a certian class of player I find a little discriminating

I do agree with the 6 plane load limit to a point, but I dont agree with telling ppl how many and what class sailors they should have to run without imposing limits on all classes 

  • Re : Stop trying to limit the gameplay

    07. 16. 2012 09:39



Limits should be imposed against setups that hurt the rest of the team.

Example; No 8" guns of less on BB's. 

Limits such as Minimum amount of pilots on a CV (Already a limit on CV6) are good for the game.

  • Re : Stop trying to limit the gameplay

    07. 16. 2012 09:59


 There have to be limits to idiocy. This thread is stupid.

  • Re : Stop trying to limit the gameplay

    07. 16. 2012 10:36


Its not limiting gameplay, its limiting stupidness in a team-oriented game. I have seen one person who can win a game on their own, and that was circumstantial. There is never a good reason to be putting 12 planes on one pilot, and there is never a good reason to not have a scout on a bb (excluding the ones that cannot carry scouts).

Not gonna mess with the quote thingy, ill use quote marks.
"The biggest excuse for this is "it hurts teamplay". That's a blatant lie, one that is seamlessly replaced by "its not how I want you to play because I would have to change my play-style and that's far to unfair for me because it might not work, so enjoy your nerf and regulation."
This is stupid. It does hurt teamplay, if a team has 2 bomberwhored cvs (out of 3, mind you) and the bbs all get fightercamped because there was not even an attempt made to eliminate the enemy's fighters, thats a problem. I am all for people bomberwhoring, but when it makes an issue such as that, they need to be fully capable of taking the BBs role in killing enemy ships (which most cannot, even less of a chance of 2 on the same team) since the BBs cannot see. Therefore, teamplay is hurt badly by setups such as this.

  • Re : Stop trying to limit the gameplay

    07. 16. 2012 11:08


Then remove the limit on BB gun size and BB6 guns.

Let me run the one and only single 3" on a Nebraska's R mount in a GB.

  • Re : Stop trying to limit the gameplay

    07. 16. 2012 11:49


Originally Posted by CNR4806

Then remove the limit on BB gun size and BB6 guns.

Let me run the one and only single 3" on a Nebraska's R mount in a GB.

I feel ignored and the need to quote myself to get some attention.

  • Re : Stop trying to limit the gameplay

    07. 16. 2012 12:04


Originally Posted by whukid

blablablabla etc.


  • Re : Stop trying to limit the gameplay

    07. 16. 2012 12:11


Hurting the team for a CV is time.

The more time it takes to get less planes in the sky hurts the team.

Hurting the team in a BB is running behind the line AAing the whole game instead of fighting other ships.


Hurting the team in a sub is going after a DD and getting owned by it.


Hurting the team is loading guns that aren't effective @ AA and using the guns as an excuse to why you have 0 credits. (Counts actually to all ships...)


Hurting the team is launching bombers into fighters and losing a wave of bombers repeativly.

Hurting the team is sitting there doing nothing for almost 1.5 minutes every time you load 11 planes on 1 pilot when you could have loaded and launched 4/4/3 in less than 30.


Hurting the team is not launching a plane when you have no red dots on your mini-map (given you have the ability to load planes and can load more than 4 planes on your ship)


Hurting the team is rushing at the start and dieing with no attack within the first 2 minutes.


Hurting the team is playing a BB6 and getting owned by a BB3 or 4


Hurting the team playing a PCV with under lvl 90 fighters. (Your also not getting much EXP lol)


Hurting the team is sitting on the line and not attempting to dodge that salvo when you can see the enemy team.


Hurting the team is any form of leaching (Sitting there doing nothing, or driving around without doing anything for long periods of time)


  • Re : Stop trying to limit the gameplay

    07. 16. 2012 13:24


any set up or strategy, no matter how weird it can be, is legit.
facts would rapidly prove it terribly wrong, if it wwere the case.

now, assigning roles to others to fit someone own strategy is absolutely stupid, unfair and discriminating.

when someone decides that CVs should scout for him, it would have to remain in the field of expectations. if the CV feels like not, he will not.

in the meantime, the same "expert" will forget to kill that AA ship, or destroy that ASW DD just in front of him.

so what?

experts please stop painting your expertise on every post


  • Re : Stop trying to limit the gameplay

    07. 16. 2012 18:16


Originally Posted by whukid

I have a suggestion;
Quit trying to regulate the way others play and instead back proposals that would allow a much more diverse gameplay. 


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