HA Infomation



  • R.I.P. Neil Armstrong.

    08. 25. 2012 12:29



US astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, has died at the age of 82, US media report.

Earlier this month he had surgery to relieve blocked coronary arteries.

He set foot on the Moon on 20 July 1969, famously describing the event as "one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind".

Armstrong, along with three other astronauts, received the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest US civilian award, last November.

He was the commander of the Apollo 11 spacecraft. He and fellow astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the moon.



  • Re : R.I.P. Neil Armstrong.

    08. 25. 2012 13:36


Another real hero gone :(

  • Re : R.I.P. Neil Armstrong.

    08. 25. 2012 15:03


This is a sad day indeed.

  • Re : R.I.P. Neil Armstrong.

    08. 27. 2012 11:58


Indeed a sad day :(

Im so late to post here...

  • Re : R.I.P. Neil Armstrong.

    08. 28. 2012 12:31


Originally Posted by Quenirland

"!!! NO WEAPONS IN OUTERSPACE !!!" -- Steven T. Querin


Because The Space Race Era that occurred during my Kinergarten and Elementary School years; and, having watched the Live Broadcasts of the Apollo 11 Mission, I am a firm believer of Human Habitation & Peaceful Exploration of Outerspace & Other Celestial Bodies.


I hope that The Second Space Race Era will be as peaceful as The First Space Race Era.



if you genuinely believe the US and russia didnt stockpile weapons in space during the years of mercury up through the 1st shuttle launch you are sorely mislead.


There was no such thing as a time of peace during the first space race era...


The second space race will be dominated by mans ability to push technology further than ever. The only countries in the world that currently possess this ability are russia and china. As for actual exploration the US is still kicking ass in that department.


If the US re-elects Obama, expect Nasa to be shut down completely.