HA Infomation



  • HH bannable in blitz

    07. 11. 2011 10:01

Recommend : 1

should it be bannable cause the true purpose of HH is to kill subs but some people abuse it with the event etc and since thares no subs in blitz shouldnt it be bannable???


  • Re : HH bannable in blitz

    07. 11. 2011 13:20

i know its depressing that HH is being abuse in blitz, but we can't do anything, banning just for this set up isn't allowed you know, playing are getting noob with phh, i've been in 1 game with my z1, i've been crippled and an edin get close to me, instead of using guns his guns, he use all his broadside phh just to sink my crippled z1 rofl if not for the free phh, he just wasted around 21-28 phh rofl

  • Re : HH bannable in blitz

    07. 11. 2011 13:26

dont fret it bud just wait till event ends and all the noobs use up all their PHH things while back to normal its the same for anyone playing SS in GBs since more ppl have them now more then usual so more ASW means more dead SS and others in GBs take HH to the extreme with HH whore ships and not for ASW but ship to ship fighting

  • Re : HH bannable in blitz

    07. 11. 2011 13:26

no subs in blitz -> no hhs in blitz.
easy logic is sometimes easyly awesome?

  • Re : HH bannable in blitz

    07. 11. 2011 14:07

in GB i dont think it can be banned but in blitz.... PHH or HH peroid is a ainti sub weapon plz some one tell me if thare are subs in blitz i get called a noob for asking why you use HH in blitz agaisnt a DD1.... and when ever i get close to sinking a ship he gose insane or something and use HH last second so i dont get the kill

  • Re : HH bannable in blitz

    07. 11. 2011 15:00

This has been done well before PHH's from events and will be done well after.

On a side note, OP HH is a fun way to run off excess HHs. Hell in HA's I use non prem HHs on my Nebbys (have probably 3k PHH on one account and 2500-3000 on the other. Do not think you need PHHs to be effective (in either Ship to Ship or Ship to Sub.

  • Re : HH bannable in blitz

    07. 11. 2011 15:22

Originally Posted by Blazer4show
This has been done well before PHH's from events and will be done well after.

On a side note, OP HH is a fun way to run off excess HHs. Hell in HA's I use non prem HHs on my Nebbys (have probably 3k PHH on one account and 2500-3000 on the other. Do not think you need PHHs to be effective (in either Ship to Ship or Ship to Sub.

Main thing with PHH is with capped gunners you get a BB reload on them. Regular HH just ask you to aim a bit more carefully, since they also hit less.

  • Re : HH bannable in blitz

    07. 12. 2011 00:22

you think its bad in a blitz come to a gb 2 and see a cv that takes out three bbs with nothing but hh...It was mind boggling. Or one whole fleet who I will not mention come into a match with nothing but high speedy molke's with nothing but hh....

Soon the event will be over and they wont have all there toys...

  • Re : HH bannable in blitz

    07. 12. 2011 19:23


HHs are incredibly FUN in blitz. Your disapproval tells me you didn't get to enjoy them like the rest did. Go try it and see.

  • Re : HH bannable in blitz

    07. 12. 2011 21:45

i have a better solution to the problem, shoot them before they come in range

  • Re : HH bannable in blitz

    07. 13. 2011 04:36

or maybe reduce shell damage?

it's way overpowered as a surface weapon.. it's supposed to be a powerful underwater weapon..

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