HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • My CV guide

    10. 23. 2012 18:48

Recommend : 6


Well, seeing event always bring out the worse CV of all, i decided to share my CV tactics i have learn during 6 years of on and off NF play. This is just my 2 cents and i would like to think of myself as a good CV player, well, at least not a crappy one, if this guide helps you, that's great, if you think i am full of it, well, then okay too, it's just a discussion.

Start out with load out

Load Out

Base on IJN CV6

The best load out you got is 1x Scout (or 2 if you don't bomb), 6x FP and 1x Dive Bomber (0 if you don't plan on bombing just credit racking)

reason behind this is, with 1 or 2 scout, it give you better scouting area and range, scout always scout better than FP, 6 FP you would be able to sent in groups of 3 and gain round the clock air superiority. Again, the bomber is just satisifing your destruction need.

I would load 20 Scout, 10 DB and the rest T4 Fighter.


Unlike real Naval engagment, where CV reign supreme, this game is within Visual Range where any BB can and will catch up with your CV and pound the heck out of you, so your main task is to provide fighter cover. Some player agrue that if you loaded with 6 or more Bomber it will be effective as Bomber load faster than FP and hence more sortie. Well, don't forget most good BB player are good at dodging DB and then you got smoke and crap like that, Dive bombing is just not as usful as they were suppose to be, and a decent CV will just load FP and round the clock camp your CV you are just either giving them hack a lot of Credit or you are doing nothing at all.

So, best approach is to let the SS5 and BB5/6 Slug it out, what you do is to provide fighter cover at best.

Do remember, FP only job is to gain air superiority, that is, shoot down enemy scout, bombers and fighter so to prevent your own scout get shot down, you don't use them to scout continously, hence the RF arrangement.

As you may know, Scout can stay in an area longer, take IJN for an example, a T5 Scout have almost 4 times as much fuel than a T4 Fighter (438 vs 110) what you do, is to send 3 group of 4 fighter out, move forward, load a single group of 2 or 2 group of 2 of scout, launch them, then load another 3 group of 4 FP and move back, by the time you launch your second group FP, you are closer to your group 1 as you move forward and your 2nd Group will be on station just about your first group to go back.

What you achieve is you make the other side Blinded so your BB and SS can move in without detection.

But that's only good IF you can gain air superiority, and that's a big if. What if you can't?

If you can't then forget about the scout, use your fighter to drag and scout, if you drag your fighter, unless you are several class away, you will retain some considerable force on enemy area. And usually if you are on a weaker CV side, that mean you are on a Better BB side. (Bravo is always gonna have the Best CV and Alpha is always balanced with the best BB) You drag and scout and play the attrition game and hope your BB and SS finish the other side off before you ran out.

What to avoid?

Worse thing you can do playing CV is mixing up Fighter and Bomber Sqn. Either you launch all fighter or all bomber, you don't do it half half.

Also, i have seen this time and again, don't load super group on either your bomber or fighter. Like 8 9 or 10 planes with one pilot, i have see this happen a lot 

avoid getting an odd number of fighter pilot. Always choose a number that can be divided by 2, since you can have at most 8 fighter pilot in use, if you get an odd number you will have an odd man out.

Always avoid default ceiling. that's easy prey for enemy AAs.

What's always do?

Always drag and micro your fighter, drag them and you will survive longer.

Do move your mouse around to seek potential threat to you and your squad of ship.


Always scout and mark your BB, keep track on whose is dead and who's still in the field. You need to know where is the enemy BB on your AO at all time. You don't just send scout randomly.

It's good to priority threats for scouting (Like scouting a BB6 is more important than Scouting a BB4)

This is my two cents, hope this help :)

Edit : Catch some of the typo


  • Re : My CV guide

    10. 23. 2012 19:16


No CV should EVER have only one type of pilot, whether it be a scout or a bomber. I reccomend MINIMUM of 3 bomber pilots or 3 fighter pilots, i usually run either 8 fighter pilots or 4 fighter pilots and 4 bomber pilots plus 1 engy or seaman.

  • Re : My CV guide

    10. 23. 2012 19:46


i have pretty much the same playstyle that u have...


using scout for vision and fp for air control, i use US CV so i trade DB for TB (wich also give an extra weapon against incoming SS)


my fav. config its 6fp, 1tb, 1 scout...


on "normal" battles when i do cripple enemy CV i let the scout do his job and deny enemy's vision with my fp


When i got a big cv on the other side (if i have T5 scout) i choose between micro my scout and bring constant light OR micro my fp and deny enemy light (or scout with them if i have T1-T4 scout) when enemy cv is pro its hard to achieve both, so i look the general aspects of the battle to decide what to do on every moment; But most of the battles bring light its more important than denying enemy light, since your team have AA ships and friendly BB can use smoke


TB aboard are mostly ment for those times at the end of battle when it comes reliable to damage/kill one of the few enemys left. But since US TB take only 80 space i put 18 aboard so i can afford to loose some. The other usage is for killing striking SS and eventually (only if enemy AA its giving me a hard time) i try to wipe some AA CL out of the map


nice post. i'll rec.

  • Re : My CV guide

    10. 23. 2012 21:25


good tactics fellas
heres my 2cents worth put a sonar man on your escort with phh and you dont have to worry
about ss. escort will aready be shooting at the ss before you hit g. works real well.
my load out is 8 ftrs for the midway with ftr seaman.
ticco 6 ftrs 2 dbs.
           regards fitter05

  • Re : My CV guide

    10. 23. 2012 22:14


Originally Posted by fitter05

good tactics fellas
heres my 2cents worth put a sonar man on your escort with phh and you dont have to worry
about ss. escort will aready be shooting at the ss before you hit g. works real well.
my load out is 8 ftrs for the midway with ftr seaman.
ticco 6 ftrs 2 dbs.
           regards fitter05

i've never used escort with PHH (or HH) i'm afraid of "friendly fire" issues.

I Do have used neutral DD with 6' single (with heavy HE they can do nice dmg to surfaced SS)

While i did my grind i just used TB and escort (with guns) for defend against SS. Most of the times the escort will keep SS distracted trying to kill it and submerged (this will limit his air supply and speed to 35knts) while i launch sq. of 2 or 3 TB (that makes SS go deep to avoid torps or even better hit him)

when i reached PCV i started using HH aboard my CV, so SS have pretty low chances of killing me

the best part is that neutral DD only cost something like 200 creds, so it's "free" (in 1 GB with PCV you might win something between 50 and 100k creds with no prem), the only backdraw is that you need lvl 23+ neutral "gunners" to use 6' guns. you can put a smaller cannon, but it will not scare any SS.


On the other hand i do have seen that AA escort its a reasonable choice when using TBW / DBW, as it will prevent enemy ftrs from camping your CV... but i have not tested this for myself since i don't have (yet) any BW CV

  • Re : My CV guide

    10. 23. 2012 23:23


personally i will only use HH on my own ship, escort using HH will not stop if friendly shipping in the area.....

I don't see sub is that much of a threat as long as you hold out in the rear area, they will need to resurface or damaged by the DD and other sub before it get to the CV.

  • Re : My CV guide

    10. 24. 2012 04:02


Originally Posted by jhungary

personally i will only use HH on my own ship, escort using HH will not stop if friendly shipping in the area.....

I don't see sub is that much of a threat as long as you hold out in the rear area, they will need to resurface or damaged by the DD and other sub before it get to the CV.

Just have your escort cease fire until it's in the clear?

  • Re : My CV guide

    10. 24. 2012 04:32


if your the only guy with sonar (escort) in cv i usually hug the BB line pretty close if i see a SS coming in, cant trust the BB's to handle SS, since they usually aren't equiped for it & run (or die)

and HH on the escort isn't very usefull, you need to pummel it with shells when it comes up,
since your HH wont do as much damage when they're above water. (and the accuracy of a escort isnt good enough to use HH imo).

SS are the only easy way for a FW cv to get some attack, i enjoy an occasional ss coming in

6fp - 2 db (or 2 t5 scouts if able to do so)

  • o.0

    11. 05. 2012 12:42


i have a 4fp and 4db arrangement on my kaga, does this mean i am stuffed(eg. stuff up)???

  • Re : My CV guide

    11. 05. 2012 19:00


i agreed i have the  same style i am tying yo improve. i seen most people launch al the fp or put 9 in one pilot. :) rep

  • Re : My CV guide

    11. 06. 2012 02:40


CV's job is to provide support, which means fighter cover and nothing else, no scout, no bombing. Your BBs are here to do the shooting/scouting stuff, if you don't protect them, they die, and you die. It's so easy yet no one understands.

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