HA Infomation



  • Hurricane Sandy

    10. 28. 2012 20:00


Anyone else in Sandy's path?
I'm in NJ so it'll be pretty bad for me (8-9 feet flooding from Irene last year).


  • Re : Hurricane Sandy

    10. 28. 2012 20:21


Yep, we are gonna get hammered here in NJ.

  • Re : Hurricane Sandy

    10. 28. 2012 20:44


I've already had my classes for most of the week cancelled.

  • Re : Hurricane Sandy

    10. 28. 2012 20:54


Suppose to be 80+ winds here in my area. So the tracker on wavy tv 10 says. Been raining since yesterday (saturday). Sick of the rain already, and its not suppose to really hit here in my area till 3am tomorrow (monday morning). Hope its out of here by tuesday.

  • Re : Hurricane Sandy

    10. 29. 2012 00:57


i now how you people been and just gone through I live in the far north queensland in Australia were i live ove every five years we get a category 5 cyclone which is bad when u guys have the time have a look  at theese cyclones which were really bad in my area 

cyclone Larry (category 5)

cyclone Yasi (category 5),r:8,s:0,i:93

God speed to the recovery effort

  • Re : Hurricane Sandy

    10. 29. 2012 05:12


stilll no rain in Northern NJ, but strong winds right now. I'm a volunteer firefighter so I help with the recov efforts. My town is next to a lake and a reservoir, so flooding is most likely to be substantial

  • Re : Hurricane Sandy

    10. 29. 2012 06:32


Just south of Philly along the PA/DE line here.  Current path shows it going straight over my house and still being 80mph winds even after going a good 80 miles over land.  If I see the eye, I'll see if I can get a picture of it.  Not too worried about flooding unless the power goes out (sump pump) but there's enough trees in the area that it could get ugly.

  • Re : Hurricane Sandy

    10. 29. 2012 13:12


God be with u all as you are all in for a BAD ARS :(