HA Infomation

U.S Navy


  • Armor H'ing a sodak

    07. 15. 2013 19:24


so i have been playing around with my sodak and i have lvl 94 bve acc gunners i use 2x 3xtrip 16"s and the rest is for 9.5" of deck and so far i can bounce 16" shells until my sd is depleted any thought or is there a better way to go? because even at its fastest i can do maybe 45 kts and thats with 9" of deck or should i use 14" of belt and force them to broadside me


  • Re : Armor H'ing a sodak

    07. 16. 2013 12:08


Good luck getting in range for them to hit your belt.

  • Re : Armor H'ing a sodak

    07. 16. 2013 12:14


Don't bother using that much belt. Also, Use three guns, instead of having just the front two and putting deck armor. You need to start practicing BB moves that will prepare you for your Iowa at lvl 89

Also, check your crew.  You need to plan ahead to see how far you plan to go. Do you want to go all the way to lvl 120 for the BB6 or lvl 103 for BB5? Do you have enough engineers?