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  • Premium ships earn more exp?

    07. 22. 2011 22:50

Recommend : 0

I heard Premium ships earn more exp, or the exp decrease based on the level is half as severe (sailors can be 20 levels higher and not lose exp instead of the normal 10).

Is any of this true and if so can anyone elaborate?


  • Re : Premium ships earn more exp?

    07. 22. 2011 23:21

In the form of you normally can do more damage in a prem ship etc then the normal low end of the ship tree ships yes you can get more exp(yes if you have the basic skills to use it). More exp from it being prem ship no(its not a prem subscription).

10 levels still applies to prem ships but you can get away with being a few low or high of the 10 mark. I have level sailors from 50-70 or 80 on pbb back in the day.

  • Re : Premium ships earn more exp?

    07. 23. 2011 01:59

From my memory I didn't get more XP in prem ships. But they have more support slots.

  • Re : Premium ships earn more exp?

    07. 23. 2011 06:14

Alittle over a year ago before I went and did beta testing on a new game (for 9 months) I was able to get around 30k to 60k xp using my EBB3 with around 150k attack. Now doing 187k attack getting hits on T4 sub and BB4 to BB6's and with prem. I just get around 30k xp and very low credits. Using my BB3 getting 173k attack on the same type ships I get 32K xp so it looks like they have nerf the xp and credits gain for all ships. (use to get well over 40k xp with that kind of attack)

Before I could use the Seva. to grind up to BB3 with no problem but not now after hitting lvl 70 on my support's they starting getting less xp than before, and by the time I hit lvl 76 can only get 6 to 7k xp per game. (with over 90k attack)

Dont get me wrong but it seems like they have nerfed the xp and credit gain on all ships in the last 9 months.

  • Re : Premium ships earn more exp?

    07. 23. 2011 06:25

With my Sevastopol and Premium if I do 10k damage I usually get about 20k XP on a win. If I do 50k Damage, that goes to about 35k XP on a win. With 100k+ damage I get about 50k XP on a win. In my SoDak, its the same. So, no. Premium ships by themselves do not get more experience. However, for leveling sailors, the PBB is the better choice. It has 1 more support slot and is a lower level ship. That means your sailors can be a lower level and get better experience. Also, the range is almost identical to a BB3. Slightly lower than some, slightly more than others.

  • Re : Premium ships earn more exp?

    07. 23. 2011 09:01

Just because it is a premium ship doesn't give more EXP.

HOWEVER, the stats of it boost your EXP gain for 2 main reasons:
1. More support slots (Able to train more sailors at one time, so instead of 25k EXP for 9 sailors, I believe it's 25k EXP for 11 sailors.)
2. A better ship. The better ship for it's level (Compare Guam to Sevastopol) can earn you more attack, and therefore, more EXP.

  • Re : Premium ships earn more exp?

    07. 24. 2011 16:39

Originally Posted by Charles87

Premium Ships in general pick up a certain percentage more exp than other ships. Playing AA as well gets you good exp but I believe the boost you experience is playing in a Premium CA.

According to what this TNF mod says theres more exp for prem ships.