HA Infomation



  • HA-based Game Mode.

    11. 25. 2013 11:57

Recommend : 7


I wanted to suggest a new game-mode based on the HAs.


Since issues with the borders have been "fixed", the map will be Blue Ocean.


Limits 15BBs/4CVs/8SSs and 4 APAs each team maximum. Or well, you can use the 35 ships limits of HAs .... if possible.


Autosplitting giving preference to put the same members of one fleet in the same team or even they could study how to mix this fairly with the broken "Fleet War Mode" with the options Fleet Vs Fleet or Fleet Vs All and create the definitive best game mode ever created for this game after so much failures (Night battle, op_convoy, fleet war mode, skirmish, select modes, etc, also you would allow me to count WaW as a fail).


Any team will have the option of winning the battle if the APA crosses the map, like in HA rooms. The player with APA crossing the map will receive special price that could be a special amount of exp, a medal, an olive, extra credits, a premium item, or something like that.


Exp similar to WaW, but exp won will have a strong bonus/penalty for wining/loosing the battle around the 50%. Even i would suggest to remove WaWs after some time if this is made and it works. Teamplay game modes are much better, funnier and interesting than the arcade/individualist/fast game modes like WaW.


Recomend if you like. I see people of old and larger fleets just show in game the weekends for playing HAs, maybe this will be a good idea for recover them playing with more regularity, also it will be a great idea for newbie people or in fleets that don't play HA enjoy NF playing this.


  • Re : HA-based Game Mode.

    11. 25. 2013 15:25


Probably the 30th topic on this. 

And the 30th one that i will reccomend. I like the heavy exp bonus/penalty for winning and/or losing, gives people a reason to do more than just screw around. 

  • Re : HA-based Game Mode.

    11. 25. 2013 21:11


Yeah, not a new idea, but a good idea.


  • Re : HA-based Game Mode.

    11. 26. 2013 03:52


new game mode? this is like asking a child to learn how to ride a bike before he can walk. Please fix the old bugs first before introducing new ones.