HA Infomation



  • Serious In-game Harbour Overhaul Project

    12. 26. 2013 04:27

Recommend : 19


Dear players who still read the suggestions forum:)

I've compelled six ideas i would like to share whit you concerning the time you spend in the harbour. Yes we know the key part of the developers time should be at fixing Bugs or Harbour assaults. To prevent you find it a waste of time, these ideas are pretty simple implementation wise, so they should not create a burden on the devs. In that way they still can spend ''develop'' time on ''other tings''  :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Idea number 1: Item list improvement.


At the part of adding experts, boosts or veterans to your sailors.
When you got like 50 sailors, and you want to boost your 2nd AA gunner from the third French crew you have, it can be a difficult job to find the correct sailor.


Give the option to filter the list based on the tags which are above the list:


So you can filter the sailors on the same nation, class, level, or the availability (status) that it can fit the desired item. For example:


When i click on ''Status'' in the tagline, only the sailors which have the availability to get that upgrade will show first, than the other sailors will show who can not get the upgrade. (in the example, only the radio officer will show).


Or to find your 2nd AA gunner from your third french crew:


Click nationality, scroll down to the french sailors which will be grouped, and find that gunner.
Or, click Class, and scroll down untill you see all your AA gunners grouped.

(Something like the filter function from Microsoft Excel) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Idea number 2: Shiplist.



A dropdown list in the harbour which does nothing than shows the ships you have in the harbour, in which dock ( number), which ship, and the possibility to navigate to the desired ship.





If you are in a HA, and you need youre CV6 instead of BB6 at the last minute, and youre CV6 is on dock number 7, you have to scroll all the way. 

Whit this improvement you can click on the ''shiplist'' button, see all the dock numbers which are available, which ship is in there, and click on number 7 where it sais: CV6 Midway. Or something similar, as long as it is clear which ship is in that dock. and it navigates directly to your CV.


Something like a drop down menu, just as the tunning item window is.
It also shows a nice list of all the ships you have from one nation:) gives an clear and effective overview. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Idea number 3: Gun mount improvement.


( Yes, i had suggested it three weeks ago, only i accedently deleted the post -,-/ , apperently it can not be retrieved) anyway:


A option which can be used during the gun mount proces.


When you are loading up a AA setup for example the H44, it takes some time before it is completed:) My idea is that there comes a option where you can Copy, the current gun setup to the other T-slot mounts. The copy function only works for the gun mount slots, whit the SAME space amount.


In this example:
The KM 40 goes in the T-slot which has 98 Space. There are five other slots on the ship which have 98 space.



The idea is that there comes a opton to copy, the setup you have used for one gun, to all the other 98 gun mount slots:


Whit one click on the ''C'' button (suggestive location for the button and suggestive name)
It copies the Setup from THAT gun to all the other gun slots:)
Same can be done for the C/33A guns on the 59 space slots, one gun setup, one click on the copy button and voilá, the AA setup is done on the H44. 

Same can be done whit the R-slots. Load one 110 gun + ammo, press the copy button, and it will copy that Setup, to the other R slots whit the same Space amount on the ship. And voilá the ship is ready to shoot in-battle.


If this gets implented, it would be awesome to see the crane load all the guns in 1 Haul, instead of going front and back again.



Idea number 4: Engine list.


Why is it possible to choose an SS engine, or an SS FCS when you are preping up your BB?
I've spend ages looking for the correct engine ( Highest HP ofcourse) in the dropdown list where literly 50 diffrent possibilities are shown. why not lower the amount to like 5 or 10.



(For the record: this is a L1)

Why not adept the list so you can only choose between the ''viable'' engins and FCS which actually have a benefit to your ship.


In other words, BB and CV engine's and FCS''es when you prepare a BB. Same goes for CA / CL and so on, Next to that:


 - Show the engine whit the highest HP first in the list.


Implementing wise: I would not mind spending a evening sorting out ''viable'' engine's for ships.
To make it easier for the Dev team. Open for discusion.



Idea number 5: Gun list.


The gunselection proces also has some flaws. My idea:


 - P


  • Re : 3 In-game Harbour Improvements

    12. 26. 2013 06:27


the most i like idea #2, i'm tired of scrolling through 13 ships...

idea #3 is also nice 

  • Re : 3 In-game Harbour Improvements

    01. 02. 2014 15:28



I would also like to see some improvement with the HQ. All sailors getting drop at the first page is really really annoying.

But then again all the desyncs and  half of the team crashing mid game is should get priority... but if you talk with mods they say. What desync? What mid game crash? While our forum shows it and enough ppl in game have seen or experienced it.

But very good ideas Bacardi 

  • Re : 3 In-game Harbour Improvements

    01. 16. 2014 09:41


I'm thinking of making a harbour overhaul project whithin this suggestion whit several more idea's tweaks and improvements.

a few more i came up whit will be posted in a bit:)