HA Infomation



  • Allow Turtle Ships in Blitz

    12. 28. 2013 01:43

Recommend : 80


Maybe reclassify these ships as premium, similar to the DDMP?  I'd love to be able to grind blitz  crews in my turtle ship and it's not exactly OP since you can't change the guns and it only has those little pew pew guns on it that require a neutral gunner.




  • Re : Allow Turtle Ships in Blitz

    12. 28. 2013 08:24


I have nothing against it; if anything it would be amusing to watch. :P

No real point but simple enough to implement.  Why not?

  • Re : Allow Turtle Ships in Blitz

    12. 28. 2013 08:40


Would be fun to watch.

  • Re : Allow Turtle Ships in Blitz

    12. 28. 2013 09:14


Recc'd. Good idea, let's see Turtle in Blitz!

  • Re : Allow Turtle Ships in Blitz

    12. 29. 2013 17:17


Well people seem to like the idea but an answer from a support ticket about this said that it cannot be changed from a "unique" ship when I asked if it could be reclassed as "event" or even "premium". 


I've got to say this sounds fishy.  If they can make an entirely new ship and class it as "event", why can't they just select a different check box for this one?


So I don't believe it's an issue of being able to change it so much as an issue of willingness to change it.


If you support this idea, please send support tickets saying us much and maybe if enough people send in enough tickets, they'll get annoyed enough to change something we want changed, if only to shut us up.


Thank you everyone.

  • Re : Allow Turtle Ships in Blitz

    12. 29. 2013 18:13


Originally Posted by PictWarrior1

Well people seem to like the idea but an answer from a support ticket about this said that it cannot be changed from a "unique" ship when I asked if it could be reclassed as "event" or even "premium". 


Unique (rentals and etc) ships are "specially adjusted" ships so removing unique flag might remove special feeatures of Turtle. -Such as Escort aiming.-

  • Re : Allow Turtle Ships in Blitz

    12. 29. 2013 18:43


Well I sent in another support ticket requesting more information (about 3 paragraphs long) and Karma says "we will discuss about it".  So I am right that they can change it, but for the moment simply don't want to.  If indeed they do discuss it, I hope they give it a shot.  If it doesn't work out, they could always change it back. 


As for special features for being a unique ship, I don't think them very likely.  It is more the FCS that makes it fire as it does when it's an escort.  We might lose the 0 cost, but it's a frigate so it wouldn't be more than 1k creds anyway.

  • Re : Allow Turtle Ships in Blitz

    12. 30. 2013 06:21


Are you referring the ability of escorts to fire all guns regardless of firing angles? Don't think that is limited to just the Turtle, but it's a lot more noticable seeing 20 shells of pain from the turtle.  Unique ship ban was to prevent the rentals from ruining blitz for 20 levels, not for Turtle. It should indeed be changed to behave like a premium ship, so it can enter blitz. Also so I can use a rental ship myself because apparently I have one permanently. I regret redeeming it again. Needs to be able to be moved back into the item tab if it wont be fixed.

  • Re : Allow Turtle Ships in Blitz

    01. 06. 2014 01:25


Originally Posted by firezmissles

Needs to be able to be moved back into the item tab if it wont be fixed.

I doubt they'll allow us to put it back in the item tab but if it is reclassified as premium or event, it won't be an issue any more.  Please send in support tickets so they know it's not just me that wants this.

  • Re : Allow Turtle Ships in Blitz

    01. 06. 2014 02:40


got an answer from karma on a support ticket about this.  I'm not sure how soon but I'm told that the turtle ship will be reclassified as "event".  Thank you everyone for your support on this one!!

  • Re : Allow Turtle Ships in Blitz

    01. 16. 2014 15:54


if they said they'd do it, why haven't they done it yet?  how hard can it be?

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