HA Infomation



  • Better EXP for killing AA Ships

    07. 26. 2011 17:43

Recommend : 1

As Explained above. Provide good exp for killing AA Ships maybe a 5% boos tor something?
 This will not only prevent CV bashing when CV players give sight and BB are greedy and only go after BBs.


  • Re : Better EXP for killing AA Ships

    07. 26. 2011 21:16

Do you have any idea how much AA ship are shot at?

They mostly dont get killed cuz they stay BEHIND the BB lines or are fast enough.

As I was the last ship in the game with a mogami (CL) rigged for AA, fighter cap and all, I decided to try and dodge as most as I could to see how fast they'd kill me.

The ammount of salvos that crashed on the water was ridiculous. Took them 30 sec to bring me down.

Try to kill me when I AA. If I go in front of the battle line, its because I got plenty of OH, and plenty of speed, and the enemy is blind.

After that, its only normal a BB5 will shoot a BB4 threatening it before the AA ship, that can be avoided as long as you manage your scout out of its range.

I do sometimes get a dumb AA ship, and I lure him into my range with my scout.

Not a good player AAing tough.

  • Re : Better EXP for killing AA Ships

    07. 29. 2011 16:58

AA ships are support ship thus normally lowe lvls. Buffing the XP you get from those would only kill the GB2 mode more.

  • Re : Better EXP for killing AA Ships

    12. 18. 2011 17:04

Originally Posted by Quenirland

Some of my Warships are designed as AAW Platforms; especially, my Neutral FF-01, which is a Trainer Ship for Newly Drafted Sailors.
My Neutral & Royal Navy Destroyers Double-Duty as AAW Platforms.
Okay...I am a Newbie Player; but, these Warships aren't good for anything else; except, as ASW Platforms.
Saying that Players should be able to get extra Experience Point Bonus for sinking AAW Ships is ludicrous.
Cruisers & Battleships that are designed as AA Platforms can be tough for Aircraft to sink because of the Flack they can dish out.

What you are saying has nothing to do with the topic. RN is a horrible mention. Certain Destroyers (not likely royal navy and definitely not your FF01) can be well fitted with AA (such as Z1 and DDX). Also, no where in this post does he mention Aircraft sinking AA ships.

OP suggests that battleships get extra exp for sinking you because you as AA are annoying to him.

On topic, Capt Alpha, as if I agree with this, just wondering, how do you propose we designate a ship as AA? Any cruiser carrying at least 1 bind of AA shells? What about a 12" Mandel who plays like a BB1 but happens to carry AA on the T an never uses it?

  • Re : Better EXP for killing AA Ships

    12. 18. 2011 18:10

Originally Posted by Quenirland

Okay...I am a Newbie Player; but, these Warships aren't good for anything else; except, as ASW Platforms.

Not true. There are some dedicated neutral ship players and they are formidable opponents. I don't mean
to put down your comment but your experience of this game is too little to make such mentions.

  • Re : Better EXP for killing AA Ships

    01. 20. 2012 23:45

AA SHIP are the ships that is set up by purely as AA only
mostly use ship as AAing
Emden, Moltke (KM)
Emerald (RN)
Mogami, Myoko, Kita Kami(IJN)
Omaha, Atlanta, Pensacola(USN)
for SN idk

not all BBs can AA effectilvely

  • Re : Better EXP for killing AA Ships

    01. 21. 2012 01:34

I would like to see better exp for killing ECL's and PCA's. However, I feel that exp should be slightly reduced first. Recommended anyway because I believe it would encourage people to kill these ships when they can. However, killing a BB/CV/SS should give more exp anyway as they are a more offensive threat to your team.

It would be far easier there was a proper class of support ships at a higher level

Seperate Suggestion
I would also like to see better exp for killing high performing ships or killing ships within the first 2 minutes. For example, a PCA has 10k personal credits; You should get more exp for killing him than the PCA that has 1k. Same with BB's; You kill a BB that has 200k attack, you should get more exp than the one that you killed with 30k attack.

  • Re : Better EXP for killing AA Ships

    01. 21. 2012 07:33

I like this idea. I was in a game the other day with 18 AA ships. 18!!! If you get 2 or 3 AA ships for every CV, all that ends up happening is the inevitable flame war. As noted above, I don't know how you identify "AA" ship.

  • Re : Better EXP for killing AA Ships

    01. 21. 2012 08:06

Originally Posted by Lionel2

I like this idea. I was in a game the other day with 18 AA ships. 18!!! If you get 2 or 3 AA ships for every CV, all that ends up happening is the inevitable flame war. As noted above, I don't know how you identify "AA" ship.

And it gets better.

They all use NF Fixer.

  • Re : Better EXP for killing AA Ships

    01. 21. 2012 09:12

Originally Posted by Sasori_

And it gets better.

They all use NF Fixer.

I got no problem with someone that is just flat out good at the game and is killing my planes. I get infuriated at 3-4 tards at a time using a macro cheat. What if we get a script that automatically raises and lowers our planes from 1-100 elevation in seconds????

  • Re : Better EXP for killing AA Ships

    01. 22. 2012 10:56

Originally Posted by Quenirland

Okay...I am a Newbie Player; but, these Warships aren't good for anything else; except, as ASW Platforms.

You should have stopped at the first sentence. Do you understand the issues with waiting for games to start because there aren't enough CVs in the game? Ever get flamed for not providing vision? Do you even have a scout or launch it in the game? The questions go on. You should level up to a CV or a BB and learn how the mechanics of the game work.

The reason this suggestion is provided because there are more AA ships that are restricting vision of the game and balance needs to be brought back.